I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. The weather has turned warmer here and we had a beautiful Easter.
It's been a while since I sat down and had a long chat with you so today's video discusses many questions I've received lately.

But before we get into those, I want to share our happy family news with you. We are expecting another baby! Baby Connoisseur is due at the end of September. I'm around 14 weeks as I shot this video. We are very excited to be adding to our family. The girls, in particular, are thrilled that there will be another baby in the house as they love to dote on their baby brother.
I am so happy to finally make the official announcement and look forward to what the next season of The Daily Connoisseur has to offer. I hope you enjoy today's video.
In addition to sharing our happy news, I discuss:
The progress on my new book...
The Oscars (or why I didn't watch). Did you watch?
My plan to do Live Streams on the channel. To never miss a live stream, be sure to be subscribed to my YouTube channel. Click the red subscribe button, then click the notification bell. This will send you an email any time I upload a video. If I do a livestream, you will get an email notification and you can chat with me live on the channel. I'm looking forward to trying this new format.
The Mapp and Lucia book club. The next two books are Lucia in London and Mapp and Lucia. We will not spend much time on Lucia in London. If you'd like to skip to Mapp and Lucia, you may. Here is a link to the books on Amazon.
My newest eCourse, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-free Living is getting rave reviews!
Jacqueline R writes, "Thank you, Jennifer, for providing such an affordable and informative course! It was just the push I needed to continue on our journey to being debt-free. Thank you for keeping it real. :)
I especially love that we can simply be chic without buying our way there.
Thanks again, I always look forward to your content!"
Thank you, Jacqueline! I'm so happy you enjoyed the course!
On Instagram
I love this picture from Poland of The Madame Chic books...
Comment of the Week
Regarding my Rebounding Routine video, Tobi-Velicia writes, "I'm 52 and I take ballet classes as my form of exercise. But because of your last video when you talked about your new rebounder, I purchased a Needak rebounder for myself. I actually like it and I use it on the days that I don't go to ballet class. By the way, I love today's video--you looked great and like you were having so much fun! :-)"
Thank you, Tobi-Velicia! I did have fun shooting that video. I love my Needak and am still using it as long as I can before the pregnancy progresses.
Thank you for watching today's video. I would love to hear your thoughts on all of the topics discussed. See you on Thursday for a favorites video.
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
How wonderful for you and your family! I am the eldest of six children and it was and still is so much fun. My one suggestion is to splurge on a cleaning service so you have time to spend with your children and take them on outings, incuding making time for both you and your husband to spend one-on-one time with each of your children. I wish I would have had that. My mom seemed to spend all her time cooking, cleaning and doing laundry and changing diapers and not enough time enjoying the experience and getting out with us. My dad never spent one on one time with us. We always were a group. Lots of energy and noise and laughter, though.
All the best for a healthy pregnancy.
Congratulations Jennifer on baby number 4!! How exciting for you guys! I also have 4 children and it is always so much fun! Definately a different family dynamic as our family grew!
Congratulations Jennifer and family! Babies are always a blessing! I would love to see an updated video on your daily routine and how you fit everything in. I have been a stay at home mom for 6 years now and am in the process of starting a home based business. I would love to hear your thoughts and tips on time management and scheduling work into your day with little ones at home! I struggle with finding time to get work done without feeling like I am not giving enough focused time to my daughter. Thank you for your lovely blog; you are an inspiration. Congrats again!
So happy for you and your beautiful, blessed and growing family, Jennifer. Can't say I'm surprised because your values are meant to be shared and duplicated. Please be well and know that this mother of three and soon-to-be grandmother of six appreciates your light in this world!
Congratulations Jennifer! This past week my family had a little spring break vacation in Los Angeles, it was my first time in Southern California. I guess now I understand better the culture you grew up inside, and therefore I understand your books better. Living around Nashville I think the culture here is still more old style and there are more people living the madame chic way. There is a little town called Franklin that you would love to visit.
Congrats on the baby! I am so happy for you and for your family.
DO watch Murder on the Orient Express. We just watched it last night and it was GREAT. I thought of you and what you would say about the costuming. The way people dressed was just so elegant and beautiful.
Congratulations! What wonderful news! I would love to participate in a live video. I also saw Dunkirk and the Churchill movie and enjoyed both. Your little girls might enjoy Leap, an animated film about France and ballet school which is now on Netflix, I think. I have also enjoyed Crown on Netflix.
Congratulations to the the Chic Family!!
Such an exciting announcement! Congratulations! I agree — the more really do make things merrier. I have five and would LOVE more!
I totally agree with you about the Oscars, all of it. Also what you said about movies. It’s hard to find ones that I feel were worth my time (or lack of sleep because I usually don’t start them till after my little ones have gone to bed). I’d rather use my free time to read or write! My book list is looong....
Anyway, I’m excited for you! So many good things coming up!
Jennifer, thank you for sharing your lovely life with us! I am so thankful to God for you and the blessings He has lavished upon you. The joy of the Lord is your strength, put Him first and He will establish your steps.
Looking forward to the poached egg demo and the yogurt demo!
Laura in New Jersey
This is happy news indeed! Congratulations! I am so happy for you...and for your children, because siblings are fun. ;) The more the merrier, indeed.
I haven't watched the Oscars in years--for the same reasons you cite. Sigh! I also don't have time to watch anything unless I'm on the elliptical trainer. My husband and I manage to watch one movie together about every 2-3 months. The last was Lion and we both liked it. I figure I'm having a pretty full and fun life, even if movies and TV don't factor into it. :) You are, too!
Very happy for you!
Congratulations, Jennifer! I'm the youngest of five, so I have a sincere appreciation for big families. What wonderful news for your beautiful family. Wishing you an ideal pregnancy!
Congratulations on baby number 4! We have four as well, and they are a really fun crowd.
As far as finding time to watch movies or tv, I feel the same way you do. My opportunities for watching are few, but there seem to be even fewer things that are worth watching! I have really enjoyed The Crown, though and highly recommend it. I plan on seeing Murder on the Orient Express sometime soon as well.
I read Lucia in London in January while on vacation, and enjoyed it, but I did also find some of the storyline unpalatable. I did not enjoy it as much as I did the first two books. In fact, my husband and I took turns reading Miss Mapp aloud and he loved it as much as I did, if not more. I'm hoping we'll be able to read Mapp and Lucia together as well.
Have a great week!
Congratulations on Baby’s Connoisseur number 4!!! The Oscars are my favorite award show to watch and I attempted this year and totally fell asleep 😔 I do think you would LOVE The Greatest Showman! Everytime I see Michelle Williams I think of you... my daughter and I loved it and I think you and yours would, too :)
Ladies, thank you so much for your kind comments. We are so excited about the new baby and it's fun to share our happiness with you! Sending love, Jennifer
I don't comment much, but happy congratulations on your baby news! They are blessings! Can't have too many children!
I miss my littles. You have a beautiful family.
I'm so happy for your family! You're a wonderful mom and a new addition is very exciting. I grew up with three siblings and feel blessed to have them in my life, especially now that we're adults with wildly different personalities but the same bizarre sense of humour. We can always make each other laugh. :)
Wishing you rest and health and looking forward to 'meeting' the new baby this fall.
Congratulations Jennifer!I'm really happy to hear you're expecting another baby. I'm personally a mother of four too and I think it's wonderful to have such a big family. That's the one that really matterrs. God bless you and your fantastic family!Greetings from Poland.Dorothy
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