Don't you just love a good makeover? We have been wanting to put wallpaper in our daughters' bedrooms since we moved in. After budgeting for it, we finally started their room makeovers. The girls and I had so much fun choosing their wallpaper. We used Norwall again (the same brand we used in their bedroom of our former house).
My older daughter chose a very similar wallpaper to the one she used to have, this beautiful floral.

My younger daughter chose a complimentary paper with a floral stripe. These are from the wallpaper book, "Petite Prints Wallpaper" (People's Choice basic small touches).

In today's video, you'll see the before and after of their rooms. Before, their rooms had a putty color on the walls. It was very bland. We love that the wallpaper adds such a special touch.
Another part of the makeover can be found in their bedding. I found the company, Beddy's, a while ago and was always interested in their innovative bedding design. Beddy's makes handmade bedding for all size beds (twin to king) that has a unique zipper feature. Beddy's slips on your bed in one piece, just as a fitted sheet does. It zips together like a sleeping bag, making it so easy to make your bed in the morning and achieve a tailored look, especially for children.

My daughters love sleeping bags and were so excited to try Beddy's in their own bed. They love to wake up in the morning and just zip up their beds. Voilà! A beautifully made bed.

The Chic White Beddy's are featured on each of their beds. I love that their rooms always look neater and it's easier for me to wash their bedding now. I don't need to wrestle with duvet covers and fitted sheets, but put one whole piece in the washer.

I hope you enjoy today's makeover video.
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Thank you, Laura! I am so happy you loved the new eCourse.
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Comment of the Week
Regarding Monday's Beef Mince Pie video, Bibiane writes, "That looks delicious!!! 💕 Have you ever tried cinnamon rolls with the leftover dough. When we were small my mom used to give us the leftover pasty, we would roll it out and spread brown sugar and cinnamon and roll it up then cut slices like cinnamon buns, we still enjoy doing these!😍💐"
Hi Bibiane, thank you for the great idea. My daughters love to play with the dough and mini-cinnamon rolls are a great idea!
I hope you enjoyed today's makeover. I would love to know... do you love wallpaper? Do you have it in your home? What's your interior design style? How do you decorate your daughter's rooms? Let me know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.
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FTC: Beddy's were sent by the company to review. This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post does not contain affiliate links.
Both of their rooms are lovely, Jennifer, and I'm intrigued by the bedding. Will check it out! Glad you are enjoying the AIO Imagination Station books. They are similar to the Magic Tree House books my grown kids grew up on. I believe they are now releasing in HC for longevity (beg. with #20). I worked for Tyndale House (the publisher) for 14 years, having just been laid off in February. I enjoy your videos so much and appreciate your example and suggestions on how to live beautifully right where we are (and not "someday"). God bless!
That was a fun video. Would love to see more home makeover videos and a tour of your new house. The girls’ rooms look very cute. I like that the wallpaper is a print that can easily grow with them as it’s versatile for both children and adults. My childhood wallpaper was cute with Beatrix Potter-like animals that I eventually changed as I got older.
I really enjoyed to watch this video. Thank you so much. I would love to see more videos of this kind and a hometour would be lovely. Have a wonderful week and thank you for all your fantastic work. Inga
The wallpaper is lovely! How do you hang things when you have wallpaper? I already have so much anxiety about hanging things right the first time because I hate patching holes in our paint. What do you do with wallpaper??? And can you use hanging puddy on wallpaper for things like the multiplication poster?
What pretty wallpaper! I love wallpaper because I think it looks so feminine and old-fashioned. I don't think I could ever convince my husband, but I love seeing other people's wallpaper. ;)
My daughter's bedroom will get a makeover in the next 1-2 years. She's 7 now, and I like to redo a "little kid" room into a "bigger kid" room around the age of 9-10. I did that with my son a couple of years ago and I LOVE his room now. It's going to take him into adolescence! My daughter currently sleeps in the twin-sized wooden bed that was mine as a girl. Soon she'll "graduate" to the beautiful four-poster walnut double bed that was my mother's. At that point it'll be makeover time. We already have nice art on the walls and nice furniture, so she'll probably get a fresh coat of paint, new curtains, and new bedding. I love the Beddy's concept--that would make it so much easier for my children to make their beds!
Jennifer, the wallpaper choices are very pretty, but what I find most beautiful is how 'real' this video feels. I love how the girls' bedrooms are not 'model bedrooms' with perfectly matching furniture and decoration items. I love that the they are having dominoes and the banana teething toy for tea, that the dolls are slightly big for their doll beds, that there is a multiplication table on the wall, that you portray life as it is, imperfectly perfect. Thank you for keeping it real and not massacring your readers with yet more bedrooms just like those on the pages of home decor magazines. I appreciate the liveness and love exuding from these rooms. Emilia
Hi ladies, thank you so much for commenting.
Emilia, your comment really made me smile. Thank you so much. That means a lot!
Polly, as the girls grow we might have to redecorate. I'm hoping that their choices are timeless (I'd even like to sleep in a room with their wallpaper) but you never know! When they become teenagers they might want a change :)
BlessedMom71- she devours the Imagination Station books. I have a video coming out with my favorite book picks for that reading age. That's really neat that you worked for the publisher!
FrenchCaligirl, your childhood wallpaper sounds so special!
ICU aus B- Thank you!
Christine- I have a complete fear of hanging things on the wall after wallpaper, haha! I can use putty and sticky hooks for the light stuff, but will have to commit to making a hole in the wall when we hang paintings.
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