I love seeing what other people buy at the grocery store, don't you? Today, I'm sharing my first grocery haul with you. I went to Trader Joe's and purchased a few of my favorites. I also show you what I make: roast salmon, red split lentils, butternut squash, and salad.

Red split lentils
serves 4 small portions
1 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
1/2 chopped onion
1 cup red split lentils
2 1/2 cups broth (vegetable, chicken or beef) or use water with a bouillon cube
1 1/2 tsp dried herbs seasoning of your choice
In a pan over medium heat, sauté the onion in the olive oil for a few minutes. Add the dry lentils and seasoning and cook for one minute. Add the broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium low and cover with a lid. Cook for 12-15 minutes, or until the lentils are soft. Add toppings such as chopped celery, chopped tomato (you can also include this in cooking), crumbled cheese, etc. Serve over brown rice. You can also add spinach when cooking. There are many variations.
If you don't have a Trader Joe's near your home, they sell the exact kind on Amazon here. (They are much less expensive at Trader Joe's... if you live near one, I would recommend buying them there instead of on Amazon.)
I hope you enjoy today's video.
The manuscript for my new book is due tomorrow! I am finished with the first draft and excited to have some down time. I've been working on this project for months and there is a lot of love poured into it. I'm so excited for you to read CONNOISSEUR KIDS in the fall of 2019.
For more of The Daily Connoisseur, take my eCourses, Creating Your Own Ten-Item Wardrobe and Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living.
Laura writes, "I so appreciate you and the financial e-course! I loved the encouragement and can do attitude!! I encourage everyone to take it, the quizzes at the end of each lecture were fun and helpful!!!"
Thank you, Laura!
Attention writers: my writing teacher, Alan Watt, who runs the LA Writers' Lab, is starting his new donation-based 90-Day Novel tele-workshop in May. For all of the information, visit www.lawriterslab.com. His great class was what got me started in writing. It's a wonderful way to build your discipline as a writer.
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Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic and a cup of tea...
Comment of the Week
Regarding last week's wallpaper bedroom makeover, Emilia writes, "Jennifer, the wallpaper choices are very pretty, but what I find most beautiful is how 'real' this video feels. I love how the girls' bedrooms are not 'model bedrooms' with perfectly matching furniture and decoration items. I love that the they are having dominoes and the banana teething toy for tea, that the dolls are slightly big for their doll beds, that there is a multiplication table on the wall, that you portray life as it is, imperfectly perfect. Thank you for keeping it real and not massacring your readers with yet more bedrooms just like those on the pages of home decor magazines. I appreciate the liveness and love exuding from these rooms. Emilia"
Emilia, thank you so much. I really appreciated your comment. I get a lot of joy out of seeing my children's "play stations". Childhood play is so sweet and imaginative. Thank you for your kind comment.
I hope you enjoyed today's video. Do you enjoy knowing what others buy at the grocery store? What do you like to get at Trader Joe's? Do you have a good recipe for red lentils? Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
Hello Jennifer,
Oh my gosh! I don't know whether I should watch this video. This could be dangerous, as I am planning to go to Trader Joe's today! Just kidding. I will watch it!
Congratulations on completing the first draft of your new book!
In my own news, my husband and I have decided to pay off our mortgage~ We are very close to being debt free~ Thanks for your inspiration!
Warm best~
Yum! I'd love to eat everything you made. I think I'll go make some lentils. We like them mostly in soup, but your idea looks very good and I'd like to try them your way. I don't have a Trader Joes, but when I go to AZ, I love to shop there.
Hello Jennifer,
Love your blog and all that you do. Wonder if in keeping with your reduced wardrobe - diminishing fast fashion for simplicity and reducing fashion waste - have you thought about reducing your plastic consumption?
Love the TJ haul but cringe at all the plastic - any thoughts on this? Zero Waste may fit your principles well. There is a huge movement out there and small changes need only apply. There are some wonderful blogs that advise regarding Zero Waste and it may be a good fit for you and your children.
With your cleaning product too - keep your home toxic chemical free by making your own. This also may align with your debt free process.
Just my thoughts.....
Just some thoughts.
Great post...and my favorite part was when your baby sneezed and you said so lovingly "are you alright, baby". Precious. Great ideas - no Trader Joes near here, but may need to make a road trip to the nearest one...
Yes, keep posting your grocery shopping expeditions. I too, enjoy looking at what other people buy and put together for meals. It gives me new ideas on products I have not tried and on what to cook for dinner. Also, I like the fact that you incorporate many vegetables and fruits. Thanks!
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