It's time to go through my ten-item wardrobe from last season to decide what will stay and what will go. How did my budget wardrobe fare from zulily? This is an important step in the ten-item wardrobe process. At the end of every season, assess what worked for you and what didn't. Decide what will stay and what will go. Take notes if it helps. Store away your keepers and keep them until you use them again.
Because I am pregnant again, I will store away my keepers and might not use them until the fall of 2019. That's OK. I will be in maternity/ nursing clothes this upcoming fall and winter and will draw from my existing ten-item maternity wardrobe along with a few new purchases for this season of life. I will go over my maternity ten-item wardrobe in a future video. I hope you enjoy the recap in today's video.
For more of The Daily Connoisseur, take my eCourses, Creating Your Own Ten-Item Wardrobe and Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living.
Renee G writes, "Amazing ecourse, I just so happened to listen to the lessons on vacation in Hawaii."
Hi Renee, Hawaii sounds amazing. Thank you for making my course a part of your trip!
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Comment of the Week
In the comments on my Debt-free course, Amanda writes, "Jennifer, I've been doing the ten-item wardrobe for just over 3 years and I love it! Can't say enough good things about it! I moved from warm weather to cold weather and it still worked great. During the winter I basically switched my sandals for boots and tees for sweaters. I found the combo of 7 tops/ 3 bottoms to be the perfect formula for me personally. What I love about this is that everything I wear, I love! I'm so picky about what I approve to wear and I really found my best clothes cut, color and fabric. (A-line, v-neck, Cotton, bright color tops with dark bottoms) I can't tell you how lovely it has been. I feel more confident about each piece I wear and get more compliments. Every year my husband purchases a new bag for our anniversary and I use that everyday (sometimes I'll switch out the other 2 beautiful leather bags that I love) Because I'm not wondering "what am I going to wear?" I get ready faster, each piece of clothing is well cared for, washed, steamed etc. I also have been able to invest In a lovely watch and necklaces since I love V-neck tops so much. Please keep your ten-item videos coming, your Winter 2017 was my favorite so far!"
Hi Amanda, I'm so excited that you have experienced first-hand the beauty of the ten-item wardrobe. Thank you for your great testimonial!
I hope you enjoyed today's video. I would love to know how your ten-item wardrobe process is going. Have you assessed your items from last season? How did you do? Your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog. See you soon!
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
Hi Jennifer! I love your channel and always feel inspired by your look presentable always, less is more approach. Thank you for your videos and all that you share. I wanted to share something with you that I have found makes my ten item wardrobe even more versatile. Dressing your truth is a system that is not only helpful for your wardrobe but your whole life. Seeing the colors and styles you are drawn to I think you will find it valuable and a perfect fit to your fabulous approach to style. I’m not affiliated with the company just a fan. Thank you again for your tips and encouragement on how to make life beautiful for ourselves and our families!
You are a consistent and cheerful source of inspiration for my daughter and me. It's clear your family and current life-stage are more important than clothes, yet you do put thought and care into your wardrobe, which is refreshing. Thank you for all the joy, beauty, and zest you share with us!
HI, Jennifer- thank you for all your fun videos! I have a question... do you have any tips for shopping on Zuililly? If I search for "dress", then I get over 7,000 items in my search. I can narrow it down a bit by size, but it is so overwhelming that I just freeze up.
How do you go about finding the items you are looking for? Maybe I need to use more key words...
Jennifer W
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