Thank you to everyone who participated in my first live-stream on the channel this past weekend. After one hour of very stressful technical difficulties, we were able to go live. I was so thankful that there were still many of you left to chat to! Thank you for sticking with me. I really enjoyed this live chat format because I was able to answer your questions in real time. I'd love to do more of these.

I would like to plan a live etiquette chat for next week. I'm not sure of the date and time, but I will announce it shortly. Get your real-life etiquette questions prepared and we will have fun discussing them. If you would like to submit your questions beforehand, you may leave them in the comment section below or on my social media accounts.
If you ever miss a live chat, I will always post them on the blog and make them available to watch after it's over, as I did with this one.
I hope you enjoy today's video.
For more of The Daily Connoisseur, take my eCourses, Creating Your Own Ten-Item Wardrobe and Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living.
On the Debt-free course, Nora writes, "This course was amazing! I am debt-free, but you have inspired me to save more, love my home life, be happy with what I already have, etc. Thank you, Jennifer! Everything you produce is of such a high quality and truly gives so much value to your audience. I am looking forward to your next course!"
Thank you so much, Nora! I really appreciate your encouragement and congratulations on being debt-free.
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Madame Chic in Japan with gems...
Comment of the Week
Regarding last week's Trader Joe's Haul, Spicy Rosita writes, "Jennifer! I absolutely loved this video. I’ve always enjoyed your freezer meals but it was nice to see a new take on fresh meals. I’m a big fan of your channel and your Madame Chic books. I also took your financial course on Teachable. I am also a work-from-home mom and writer. I adored your self publishing story and just wanted to say you are a HUGE inspiration. While I’m at it I’ll also tell you that the 10 item wardrobe has revolutionized my life. I wish I would have snapped a pic of today’s outfit. I got so many compliments yet all I did was accessorize an old pair of jeans and a T-shirt with a cardigan, beautiful scarf and chunky heels. All thanks to your great advice! God bless you and your growing family!"
Spicy Rosita, what a testimony! Thank you! I love hearing the exciting changes going on in your life.
Thank you for joining me today and I'll see you on Thursday! I would love to know your thoughts about the topics discussed in this video. Please leave your comments below along with your etiquette chat requests. Your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
Jennifer, your live chat was quite fun! It's lovely to see you in real time and know that you don't inauthenticly "airbrush" your presentation of yourself for your other videos.
I've an etiquette question: When is the appropriate time to assert yourself when out comes to other adults bossing your children? I have two toddlers and we spend quite a bit of time out and about. Frequently grandparents or grandparently types will take it upon themselves to instruct my children without consulting my opinion. I feel like I'm caught in a tough spot because I want my children to be respectful and to behave respectfully myself, but do not appreciate having to enforce rules I did not create or compromising my own child rearing philosophy. With my own grandfather I have taken to saying, simply "The babies are my responsibility, not yours." I worry that this might be too abrasive for strangers who approach us while we're out and even more importantly my husband's grandmother who comes to visit with us twice a week. Do you have any thoughts on this subject?
@madeofmydreams: In Amy Tan's novel, The Kitchen God's Wife, one of the characters would tell people bluntly to mind their own business. The main character then instructed this woman that the "nice" way of saying that is "In this matter, you should not trouble yourself for my sake." I loved this. It is exceedingly polite, and I think that the slightly archaic phraseology might surprise people into silence, if nothing else.
Hi Madeofmydreams, Thank you for your request. I will include it in the live chat.
Mimianderly, I love that too! It's great!
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