Dresses make up the largest part of my ten-item wardrobe. I like to wear dresses year round because they are beautiful, comfortable, and provide a presentable look without a lot of thought. Many women shy away from wearing dresses in the winter, however, because they want to stay as warm as possible.
In today's video, I'm sharing how I like to style dresses in the winter so that I stay warm, but still look stylish. Today's video is a collaboration with the lovely Marie-Anne Lecoeur. Marie-Anne has a wealth of knowledge on French style and is also sharing how to wear dresses in the winter on her channel. Be sure to check out her video here.
Whether you have mild California winters, or chilly Parisian winters, the key to wearing dresses during this season is in layering and choosing smart accessories.

In the first look, I'm wearing my floral LL Bean dress with my favorite green sweater coat from Anthropologie (this coat was purchased several years ago, so I do not have a link). To add warmth, I'm wearing tan colored tights and my new Blondo suede waterproof booties. Of course, you could add a cardigan under the coat, scarf, gloves and a hat if you are facing a really cold day.

In this second look, I'm wearing a simple black nursing dress (I've linked one similar to my own) with a green cardigan, my heavy winter wool trench from J Crew, a tartan scarf, my fleece tights (a must for cold winter days) and knee-high leather boots. These boots are from London Sole and are no longer available (my mother-in-law designed these... aren't they gorgeous??), so I am linking a comparable quality pair here from Blondo. I highly recommend buying quality boots that will be comfortable and last you a long time.

In my last look, I pair the same black dress with a tan cardigan, fleece tights, my riding boots, a tan pashmina, and a plaid wool coat (from BCBG- this is over a decade old and is no longer available).
If you live in a snowy place, you can always substitute the boots for fur or shearling lined snow boots. Fleece tights here are a must.
I would love to know... which look is your favorite?
📍I finished my 2nd round of copyedits for CONNOISSEUR KIDS, my new book coming out in the fall of 2019 from Chronicle Books. I'm so excited for your family to read this wonderful book.
📍I'm working on a new eCourse for 2019. If you haven't taken my other courses, now is a great time. Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living and Create Your Own Ten-Item Wardrobe are fun, affordable, and as many have stated, totally life-changing!
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A beautiful leather bound edition of Lessons from Madame Chic is now available from Horchow and you can monogram it too! I shared the image on my Instagram page. I'm still waiting for my copy, which I'll share with you when it arrives...
Gigi New York has a white leather bound edition that you can also monogram... so chic. This truly means Lessons from Madame Chic is a classic :)
Comment of the Week
On Friday's rebound with me video, Natural 235 writes, "Hey Jennifer I responded to one of your first videos of the rebounder and was so inspired I actually bought one. I just wanna say thank you so much my body is not sore at all now when doing the rebounder.
One night I had to lift up a child that was a little too heavy for me and went home and I had such bad back pain. I went on the rebounder for 20 min and within an hour that pain was almost gone. The next morning it was totally gone. Before buying the rebounder I would be sore for a good week. You have change my life to pain free muscles. Ty ty"
That is wonderful news. I love your testimonial. Rebounding helps me with my back pain too. My favorite thing is I can feel the tension leaving my body as I jump. Thank you for watching!
Thank you so much for watching today's video. I would love to know... do you wear dresses in the winter? What are your tips?
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Miss Jennifer!
I don't actually have any pants in my ten item wardrobe for fall-winter, (or spring-summer for that matter). I went downtown to meet a friend for coffee yesterday, walked to the coffee shop and then waited outside for him for 15 minutes in 35 degree weather (just above freezing for those who use the metric system). I wore a khaki skirt and a cotton cable-knit sweater as well as hose, rain boots (it was off and on misting after a heavy rain, there were puddles!), a wool coat, and my scarf. I wasn't even a little bit cold provided I kept my hands in my pockets. Keeping warm is all about the accessories! Next time I'm going to remember to bring my gloves.
Today's post was such fun! I am off to watch Madam Lecoeur's now.
- Kathleen
Ps. Your Sherlock Holmes coat is perfect! I love it!
Thanks for the great ideas. Having grown up in the Upper Midwest, where January temps can feel balmy at 0 Fahrenheit (yes, really, after a few days of below zero, anything above that starts to feel Spring-like!), I would suggest that light to mid weight wool garments are a lovely addition to the wardrobe. Cashmere sweaters are also very cozy, and very chic!
I love your boots!
Good day! I' m from Ukraine. Our winters are realy cold. Todays temperature is 10 degrees below zero at Celcium. And I like dresses. So my recepies are wooly ( half- wooly as least) dresses and extra undewear dress , which looks like long T- short. Have a nice day and thank you for inspiration!
I purchased an Irish sweater last spring and wore it over my dresses this past winter. I absolutely love it. It is merino wool and keeps me very toasty. Also the knit patterns are just beautiful. I purchased it from Aran Sweater Market. They come in several different colors and styles for anyone who may be interested.
As always, your videos about fashion and style are a real treat! Thank you!
This post is so inspiring and you look wonderfully cozy in your new (and old) boots. Today, because it's raining here, I wore my very old waterproof suede ankle Aquatalia zip boots and, because I'm watching my budget a la your Daily Connoisseur Teachable "Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living" course, I had these very old, but well-made boots re-heeled at the local cobbler recently so they're good for many more miles.
Wearing layers is the key and will keep one toasty even when removing a coat and scarf. I run cold, even here in Southern California, and I've been wanting to buy fleece tights, so thank you for the link, and I can use one of my Amazon gift cards I received as a Christmas gift for them. I often wear black leggings or black tights under a dress with either ankle boots (Sam Edelman in black suede or taupe suede) and I will add a cardigan or blazer if I'm cold. I also like to wear a cardigan or a chunky oversized sweater with a skirt, too.
In closing, I just wanted to say that your opening backdrop was so pretty with the white furniture and the pretty pink rose in the white vase, which I'm sure you made! Is this your sitting room or a bedroom? It's so pretty. Also, as a pearl lover, I thought your drop pearl earrings were gorgeous and I would love a link for them, if you're willing to share. You truly look fashionable in every season and I loved your style show!
A wardrobe of great coats and warm accessories means you can be chic AND warm!
Awesome keep sharing and important information shared..
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I almost always wear dresses too. In the winter (I'm in North Carolina) I like wearing my dresses with fleece leggings, boots, and cardigans. If I need an extra layer under my dress, I like wearing long sleeve Half-Tees. (they have a website.) I've worn fingerless gloves inside and I've also been wearing a beret some this winter too. Thank you for sharing this post! I LOVE your boots that you said your mother-in-law designed. If only they were still available! :)
I love your booties with that blue floral dress, though i would have paired them with dark blue or black legging or tights. I also find denim skirts to work really well in the winter here, paired with black cotton leggings or thermal leggings when it gets colder. I generally prefer leggings to tights because they are more comfy and i can wear thicker socks in my shoes or tall boots. Winters in NL are rather mild and ladies here love their tall boots.
Cold this week has meant -40 (it's the same in Celsius and Fahrenheit!). If I wear a dress, I wear a cashmere cardigan or wool blazer over the dress and wool tights (they have to be made of actual wool). Plus, of course, I have a proper winter parka, hat, scarf, mittens, and snow boots.
I think black color is best to wear in winter as it protects from a cold as well gives style statement as usual. Almost this color suits to all. More on I love to wear Long-Sleeve Turtleneck t-shirt in winter.
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