Hello Daily Connoisseurs,
I'm sharing my interview with the lovely Marie-Anne Lecoeur one day early. I hope you enjoy our interview. I had a lovely time chatting with my dear friend.
Let us know what you think about all of the French chic topics discussed and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.
Comment of the Week
On Monday's How to Wear Dresses in the Winter post, Lisa writes, "I almost always wear dresses too. In the winter (I'm in North Carolina) I like wearing my dresses with fleece leggings, boots, and cardigans. If I need an extra layer under my dress, I like wearing long sleeve Half-Tees. (they have a website.) I've worn fingerless gloves inside and I've also been wearing a beret some this winter too. Thank you for sharing this post! I LOVE your boots that you said your mother-in-law designed. If only they were still available! :)"
Thank you for your comment, Lisa. I really enjoyed reading how you like to style your dresses in the winter. Thank you for the compliment on my mother-in-law's boots. She truly is talented.
Thank you for joining us today. I will likely see you tomorrow for a freezer meal collaboration with Amy Maryon. :)
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Fantastic interview Jennifer, please, please have Marie-Anne on again! She is adorable and so chic, I have been watching her channel for some time now and many of her ideas resonate with yours. You interviewed her so well.
I am so glad you introduced us to Madame Lecoeur... especially since you said she reminds you of the Madame Chic you lived with in Paris. I confess I sorta got the feeling that Madame Chic was a bit cold, critical and stiff. But now I have a new image of her in my mind, and that is the delightful Madame Lecoeur! She is warm and friendly and cheerful, much better than the image I had in my mind. Whew! This feels better!
As a child I had a sophisticated, educated, chic step-grandma that made me feel frumpy and ignorant, which I no-doubt WAS... but she didn't make me want to be like her, either. Although their home was exotic and fascinating, it felt too formal, and I hated being frowned at, or baited with questions she knew I couldn't answer intelligently.
So for me, Jennifer, you have put a whole new light on being classy and chic AND warm and friendly, AND modest and feminine. Quite an accomplishment.
Thank you as always!
Hi Madeleine- thank you! I'd love to have Marie-Anne back as a guest. Thank you for watching!
Anon- Thank you so much. What a kind comment. I appreciate it!
Thank you so much for introducing us to Marie-Anne. I wasn't aware of her before. I can see why you like her. I like her, too! Your work seems to dovetail very well with hers. Her videos have helped me to create my first *true* ten item wardrobe. You've been encouraging it, and I've been tantalized by the idea for many years! Now it's done!
Warm best,
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