Happy new year, everyone. I hope you had a wonderful holiday break. It's great to be back on the channel! I'm looking forward to kicking off 2019 with you in today's message. I share plans for the channel in 2019 and share why it's important for us Daily Connoisseurs to let our lights shine.
I have many wonderful things planned for this upcoming year and if you have any requests you'd like to make, please let me know in the comment section below. I love to hear from you!
I hope you enjoy today's video.
📍I finished my 2nd round of copyedits for CONNOISSEUR KIDS, my new book coming out in the fall of 2019 from Chronicle Books. I'm so excited for your family to read this wonderful book.
📍Mademoiselle Chic is now available in Japan from publisher, Daiwa Shobo.
📍I'm working on a new eCourse for 2019. If you haven't taken my other courses, now is a great time. Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living and Create Your Own Ten-Item Wardrobe are fun, affordable, and as many have stated, totally life-changing!
📍Visit my Teespring store for official Daily Connoisseur merchandise.
📍 I'll be starting a once-a-month rebound with me series on the channel. If you'd like to jump along, check out the rebounder I use here.
On Instagram
I love this image of The Madame Chic books...
Comment of the Week
On the Guestbook on my author website, Stacy writes, "Hi Jennifer! Just wanted to let you know that I listen and re-listen to the audio of your books, and read them as well, while I am cooking or cleaning, or just want some inspiration. I have been moving toward a simpler, cleaner, stuff-free life and you have really helped me. I also am an author, so I work from home, and it is so easy to be lazy and not care about my appearance or my wardrobe when I am all alone working. I am developing a new attitude that my desk at home is like the office I had in corporate America at one time, and I need to remember that. The circles I run in (authors, authors, and more authors) often remark how cool it is to work in our pajamas, and then I recall you getting up in the night for water and Madame Chic catching you in ratty sweats. I know I feel better when I am presentable, and you have helped me with that new attitude! Many, Many thanks!"
Stacy, thank you for sharing your Madame Chic testimony! It's wonderful to hear from a fellow writer. I'm wishing you all the best for 2019!
Thank you for joining me today. Please leave your requests for the new year on the blog in the comments. I'll see you tomorrow with an all-new video.
*NEW* The Daily Connoisseur merchandise, including tee shirts now available
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So excited to see all that The Daily Connoisseur has in store for 2019. Keep inspiring. #bringbackcommondecency
Jennifer, I have enjoyed so much watching your you tube videos and have two of your books. I had to smile when you mentioned the bumper sticker in your recent video and it brought to mind something I observed on a recent cruise. I actually saw 2 people show up at the breakfast buffet in lounge pants and t shirts - basically pjs. Yes, it was a casual buffet, and someone I mentioned this to said "so what - cruise your own way!" I'm sorry, but if you don't want to dress, use room service! Sometimes I wonder if I'm being old school or a bit of a snob, so I come to your videos for reassurance lol! I'm fortunate to live in a small rural area where people still smile and say hello and hold doors for you. Thank you for your work, and I wish you and your family a very happy new year!
Hello Jennifer,
I received some lovely cards from students this Christmas telling me that I was a role model and inspiration to them. I was very touched, and one of the girls even asked for a book recommendation on etiquette!
I had a piano masterclass with a group of advanced students in December and several of the girls arrived early. As I was making a pot of tea I invited them to join me, and of course put out lovely tea cups. They were thrilled to be drinking beautiful tea with me and one had never drunk from a traditional tea cup before. I think it just goes to show that we need to continue to walk the walk - the younger generation is watching and some are taking note.
I'm so excited to hear all that you have planned! Your channel and Return to Simplicity are my go-to channels. Whenever one of you (or, quelle horreur -- BOTH of you!) are out of commission, I feel the impact. My life has been made much more pleasant by such influences.
I love your channel and your books. I’m eagerly awaiting the release of Connoisseur Kids! One video idea for 2019: I really enjoyed the video you did recommending children’s books. I wonder if you might consider doing a video recommending your own favorite books? Not for kids, but for you. (Of course another video recommending children’s books would be wonderful, too- we are always looking for new recommendations as we frequent our library.) I’m currently making a list of books I want to read in the new year, as I know so many others do every January, and I would love your input (and know others would, too)! I’m also a busy mom of 4 young children and you’ve inspired me to make a concerted effort to do more reading after the kids are in bed and less phone scrolling. Thank you for all you do and Happy New Year!
Yay Jennifer! I can't wait :)
Yay! Glad to see you are back! I always enjoy your videos! I am looking forward to all that you have planned, especially 10 item wardrobe videos, and I would love to see day in the life videos. Happy New Year!
Thank you for such a positive message Jennifer. For someone so busy with such a full life, you always look so cheerful and you sound so upbeat. Always encouraging for your viewers.
The Madame Chic books are such a positive influence on my life, as they encourage me to look the best I can and be the best I can, no matter the day or the situation.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Hi ladies, thank you for your comment and Happy New Year! I enjoyed reading your comments and thank you for sharing your etiquette stories. Ben and I will do a future post where we respond to your etiquette horror stories so keep them coming and stay tuned :)
Happy New Year to you Jennifer and this community. I look forward to the new year and spending time with you, your post are informing, uplifting, and realistic. Merci beaucoup. Also I ordered the London Town polish and I love it it's really long lasting great tip. Many blessings Dallas
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