The dress code conversation continues as we examine the next crop of articles discussing dress code madness. Articles from Canada, England, and the United States are featured today, showing that #dresscodewars is happening both near and far.
I don't know about you, but I have noticed so many dress code stories in the news of late: the lady who got kicked out of the Golden Corral for wearing a crop top, Tommy Lee getting kicked out of Emeril Lagasse's restaurant for wearing a hat, and the Houston Principal who instituted a dress code for the parents. Dress codes have been a part of the National conversation recently.
In today's video, I'm examining three more articles on dress:
Austin ISD revamps dress code to allow hoodies, halters and hats
Police and teachers have been criticised for locking school gates to schoolchildren who protested a new 'gender neutral' uniform policy this morning, leaving pupils to wander the streets of a Sussex town.
Is ‘modesty’ no longer the best policy? On dress codes, Canadian schools begin to change their approach
Two articles focus on the lax dress codes in schools and one focuses on the new gender neutral uniforms.
Why do you think dress codes have been featured news items lately? What is behind the dress code wars? What are your opinions on the articles discussed? Join the conversation and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.
📍Connoisseur Kids is featured in Chicago Parent, in an article called 6 Back-to-School Books for Teens, Tweens, and Their Parents.
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Comment of the Week
Rebecca K. asks, "Jennifer, do you use a diaper bag or just your large purses? I have a 2 year old and 4 year old so I have been using a backpack style diaper bag to have both hands free, but it doesn’t feel particularly chic."
Hi Rebecca, I get this question a lot. Yes, I do just use a large handbag instead of a diaper bag. I tried a traditional diaper bag with my first two children, but really found them to be unnecessary. Everything I need can fit into one of my large tote bags or I just use a canvas bag. Many people requested a dedicated handbag video so I could do one of those soon. Thank you!
I hope you enjoyed today's video. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on all three articles discussed down below. Your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur. I'll see you next time for The Chic Assignment check-in.
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Hi Jennifer, I read the article in the Daily Mail. And I asked myself: is gender neutral manly? Why trousers for all, why not skirts?
One Comment below this article read: what about boys who want to wear skirts?
Why can not kids be kids, girl, boy or diverse? Just today or yesterday in mail online an article about a UM singer or actor (don't know him). He and his wife didn't tell anybody the gender of their child which is born 18 month ago. I do not believe in this gender neutralism. How many percent of the worlds population are diverse? Do we have to live like the great minority? Why can't we live like we want, all of us. Let's have our trousers or skirts, eat meat or vegan, have christmas or Ramadan. Regulations made because of how many? 5%? (I think I repeat myself: 200 children in a Berlin Kindergarten, 2 of them muslim - no Easter no Christmas for 198 christian children).
Love from Germany
People did send their little girls to my child's elementary school on the yellow bus wearing nothing but bikinis. Definitely not in compliance with any school dress code ever. The school was prepared, though. They had oversized school logo T-shirts in a bright neon green that all the students wore for field trips. Students who wore bathing suits to school had the pleasure of wearing these all day. They would have to wear the biggest of these adult-sized T-shirts, which would be like a midi dress. So, your choice: wear the shirt or come to school dressed appropriately to learn.
I often wondered if the parents of these kids wore bathing suits on public transit to work downtown. Maybe.
I think all the dress code mania proves one thing: dress DOES matter! How often young people are told, "it's what's on the inside that counts!" And yet, the way we dress on the outside IS a reflection of who we are inside, our values, our character! How often young people are told, "be your own person," yet dress the same as everyone else (not referring to uniforms here, but to current fashion trends which are largely immodest)
I truly lament the lack of modesty in our culture, in both girls and boys, but especially girls. It's up to us women, I believe, to turn this around and be good examples, especially to young girls. To dress decently, out of respect for ourselves, respect for our precious femininity and respect for others, especially men who are tempted greatly in this area. Our dress matters!
Hi Jennifer,
Here's another one for you. 😂
Erica, your comment reflects rape culture. To suggest that female bodies determine male behavior is degrading to both women and men. It is not a woman's responsibility to engineer herself to avoid "tempting" a man. This kind of thinking perpetuates violence against women. Men are 100% responsible for their actions.
Bea from Germany, I don't even know where to begin with you.
I've really enjoyed the Daily Coinnesseur, but if comments like these are going to go unchallenged, this is not for me. Sexism and racism are not chic. These dress code discussions have taken on some ugly and very disappointing dimensions.
I completely agree that men are 100% responsible for their actions. Women, also, are 100% responsible for their actions. If a woman exposes much of her body to the world, she invites everyone to look, and men usually do, and may find it a struggle not to. The average guy would likely agree. It's how men are wired.
My question to a provocatively dressed woman would be this: If you have nothing for sale, why are you advertising?
My comment was to illustrate modesty as essential to a lady's self respect. It certainly was not intended to be sexist, as I believe both men and women must do their respective parts to uphold common decency in our society which is sadly disappearing.
I don't think it's reasonable to judge a dress code by whether you, personally, would want to wear it. I would not like to wear gray and navy every day, but that is the color scheme of many uniforms. I might prefer a maxi skirt, or a dress, but most uniform skirts are to the knee. I'm not sure why there should be a difference for skirts vs. trousers. Just because you, Jennifer, prefer to wear skirts doesn't mean that it is somehow unfair for a uniform not to include them, just as it is not unfair for a uniform not to include wrap dresses or jeans. The point of a uniform is to take the focus off of clothes, and I think a gender-neutral dress code (whether it includes skirts or not) is totally fair.
Also I could not agree more with Anonymous above-- I usually enjoy this blog but I find the comments on this post distasteful. Women (and schoolgirls) are not responsible for the actions, or distractions, of men and boys. Wearing clothes, any sort of clothes, is not "inviting" or "advertising" anything.
Hi ladies,
Thank you for watching and for commenting. This blog has always been a place where women should feel comfortable expressing their view and opinions without worry of condemnation from others. So I appreciate all of your perspectives. May and Anon, I'm sorry you were so upset by the post and subsequent comments. I truly felt that you both misinterpreted what others were saying. I do appreciate everyone watching. Thanks and I will see you soon!
With love,
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