Thank you for your incredible support of Connoisseur Kids. I am overwhelmed (in a good way!) with all of your lovely comments, messages, emails, and social media posts. I am so grateful for your support.
Today, I'm sharing 5 ways manners can help our children in life and why we should persevere in teaching our children good habits.
This is the abridged list I discuss in the video. Be sure to watch the whole video for expanded thoughts on the following points:
π Good manners can set your child at ease in social situations.
π Manners make life easier for our children to navigate independently.
π Their good behavior will make them shine like gems in this often dark world.
π Your children will inspire their siblings and peers with their confidence.
π Our children are the future leaders of this world. Investing in the next generation is a very worthy pursuit.
I hope you enjoy today's video.
In today's video, I'm wearing Rachelyn Jewelry's earrings and necklace and my summertime romper.
πThank you for your wonderful support of CONNOISSEUR KIDS. If you enjoy the book, please consider leaving a review for it online. I greatly appreciate your support.
πI will be talking about the ten-item wardrobe at a free online event called Get Organized HQ and my session goes live today at 11am Eastern. In a nutshell, Get Organized HQ is like an online conference where dozens of women have gotten together to share their knowledge and their stories to help you get your home and life on track. I hope you join me there!
πI have an article in Mind Body Green on the importance of laughter for children.
πCheck out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.
So many of my dear YouTube friends have reviewed Connoisseur Kids on their channels. Check out Rachel from Sweet and Simple Home, Nikki from Inspired by Nikki, Teri from TeriGigi, and Kim from Free to Family.
If you have a blog or YouTube channel and you do a review of Connoisseur Kids, please let me know and I will feature your article on the blog!
On Instagram
I am loving your pictures of Connoisseur Kids on social media. Use the hashtag #ConnoisseurKids and your picture could be featured as Instagram of the week...
Comment of the Week
Regarding The Chic Assignment, Megan writes, "Thank you for this month's enjoyable introduction to this beautiful cello piece- and for sending me down the path of inquiry about the young cellist and the female 18th century composer! I really enjoy your organized approach to cultivating grace and awareness in the fine arts. Many of us do not make to time to approach cultivating a rich world for ourselves and our families due to the drum beat of ordinary family life. You remind me to stop and take myself and my life seriously without feeling grim!"
Thank you for joining me today. I would love to know... what are your reasons for teaching your children good habits and behaviors? Have you noticed a lack of manners in today's youth? Or the opposite? Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.
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Dear Jennifer,
Here is a sixth reason to teach your children manners. It is extremely pleasant to be told by a flight attendant on an airplane that your children are the most polite children she has ever encountered in her career. This experience is better than an in-flight cocktail!
My teen daughter just got her first job, caring for animals at a large pet store. The manager that interviewed her said of all the people he had interviewed, she was the most knowledgeable about animals. But, the reason he really wanted to hire her was that she was the friendliest and by far, had the best manners. Good manners really are important!! :)
Hi Jennifer,
Today I meet a charming two year old boy Nestor shopping with his mother. He said hello, asked my name, shook my hand and introduced himself. After we discussed his training pants that he held in his hands, he told me very proudly that he was potty trained. As we said good bye he shook my hand again and wished me a good day. Who would have expected that??
Hi, Jennifer.
I would like to hear your thoughts on bringing up boys to be strong, masculine gentlemen. We're almost done raising our three sons (24, 19, and 17), but as parents we often felt at odds with our culture in allowing our sons to be boys that would grow up into strong and courageous men, willing to take a risk, crazy enough to do things that were a little dangerous (We found neighbors weren't even comfortable with them climbing trees!),and hard physical work. I'd appreciate your insight in balancing these traits that I think our culture is seemingly trying to suppress in our sons with teaching them to be gentlemen as well.
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