Welcome to another episode of 3 Articles on Dress. Today we are discussing the athleisure trend (is it dying?), looking good in loungewear, and another dress code violation... but this time from a famous rocker.
Here are the three articles discussed in today's video.
Loungewear as ‘Aesthetic’ Is a Symptom of Constant Self‑Optimization
Athleisure is losing stamina in the fashion world
Emeril Lagasse laughs off Tommy Lee's complaint that he was kicked out of his restaurant
I would love to know your thoughts on all of the articles discussed today. Do you think athleisure is losing steam? Do women struggle with self-optimization in their loungewear? What are your thoughts on all of the recent dress code violations? Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week.
๐This week on YouTube only, I started a new series where I discover different clothing brands under the same aesthetic. The first episode focused on feminine fashion with Morning Lavender, Gal Meets Glam, and Lulu's.
๐I was a guest on Mackenzie Koppa's Cultivating the Lovely podcast discussing my new book, Connoisseur Kids.
๐I have an article in Mind Body Green on the importance of laughter for children.
๐I am a featured speaker at the Get Organized HQ Summit with I Heart Planners. Registration is free!
๐PRE-ORDER my new book, CONNOISSEUR KIDS, which comes out September 10th from Chronicle Books.
๐If you haven't taken my eCourses yet, now is a wonderful time to get started. Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.
On Instagram
Follow me on Instagram for ten-item wardrobe inspiration. I'm showing my new dress from Draper James in this photo.
Comment of the Week
Comrie P. writes,"Jennifer, I am a high school English teacher (American Literature), and I so appreciate that you offered the unconventional insight about "The Road Less Taken." I used to assign students to bring a poem to class to share with their fellow students, and I cannot count how many times I have seen this Frost poem as a student selection. When asked why, the students almost always quip the standard American individualism answer (even if not using those exact words). I believe this can be true because a good poem (like rich classical orchestration) speaks to us a various depths and with different strains of melody and harmony. The interpretation you share seems much more accurate to the body of Frost's work, and this analysis is a good reminder to challenge the majority way of thinking...something I think Daily Connoisseurs all appreciate. Thank you!"
Hi Comrie, thank you for sharing your perspective as an English teacher. It's amazing how truly looking at the poem brings to light the alternative interpretation. You're right, challenging the majority way of thinking is always eye-opening. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I hope you enjoy the three articles on dress today. Thank you to Home Chef for sponsoring today's video. Use code JenniferS80 for $80 off ($20 off your first 4 boxes).
I look forward to reading your takes on all of the articles discussed.
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FTC: This video is sponsored by Home Chef.
Thank you for sharing these articles with us, Jennifer, as they were very encouraging to me. The pressure to look good, all of the time, hasn't abated from when I was growing up in the '60's and '70's. I guess we've not come as far as some would like to think even though we are now told to embrace our own unique beauty (which I totally agree with) and feel free to wear whatever we like (which I don't agree with), other opinions be damned. Too many of us have succumbed to that line of thought and embraced each new fad as if it were made for us! Speaking for myself, my unique beauty is not my booty!!!!!! Everyone has a "trouble spot" or two, and I prefer to minimize mine so people can focus on my best feature(s) and spare them from my worst. This doesn't mean I hate my body. I feel that one is actually honoring their body by dressing appropriately in modest enhancement. (This actually honors our viewers as well, whether they acknowledge it or not.)
I think it is very important to recognize that as women we are socialized to constantly monitor our appearance in a way that men simply are not. I enjoy looking my best, but it behooves us to bear in mind that there are very powerful cultural messages at work that serve to keep us focused on what our bodies look like rather than what they can do. I recommend beautyredefined.org for thoughtful and intelligent research and writings on this subject.
Lord knows I don't try to look glamorous at any time, because I equate it with desperation. But I do strive to look presentable at all times -- even when I am home alone. Part of it, I must admit, is attributable to superstition: when I was younger and looked decidedly less than presentable because "I'm not going anywhere.... just cleaning the house," that would be the time that I had to leave the house because of some sort of emergency, with no time to make myself presentable. No makeup, bedhead, and ratty clothes make me feel diffident -- which is not at all how I am when I look presentable.
It's easier to look presentable always than one would think. It just takes making it a habit. If you don't own any "grubbies", then you can't wear them. It's just as easy to put on something flattering as it is something messy. There won't be any loss of comfort, I assure you. Having a "uniform" definitely helps. This summer, it's been some pima cotton dresses that I got at Garnet Hill. They are super-comfortable and cut in a way that make me look tall and svelte. I wear them everywhere, I just love them so much. Having a hairstyle that works with your hair as opposed to it being a torturous process requiring multiple products and tools also helps. With me, I find that longer hair is easier to keep tidy than shorter hair was. Also, I don't have to wash it every day. Having a capsule makeup wardrobe helps, too. I know that a lot of women have several different foundations, and maybe dozens of eye shadows and lipsticks. But doesn't one particular foundation always make you look the best? And one color family of eye shadows and lipsticks always looks better with your complexion? Why not wear the colors and formulas that look the most flattering every day instead of using second-rate cosmetics on a quotidian basis, "saving" the good stuff for "special occasions." Life is shorter than you think. If you're alive, it's a special occasion.
Well said, Jennifer!
Well said, Mimi!
Oh... in regards to your review of various clothing brands, I am looking forward to more! What a great idea. Then, beyond "style", it would be awesome if you or your audience could share any brands that tend to have more things that look good on the various "body-shapes" such as pear, apple, etc?
Not that this is the topic, but I wish all clothing brands would become consistent on size numbers... AND, that the "sizes" wouldn't reflect the size of the bodies they say it will fit, but be the actual measurements of the clothing itself. Like men's jeans, right? If they did that, the customer could decide how tight or loose they want it and go from there. If seems it would prevent a lot of online shopping returns!? How green is that?
Hello Jennifer,
You haven't heard from me in a while because I have been out of town with my husband's health issues. Now I am back and happy to participate again! I have eaten at Delmonico's restaurant, and I have also met Emeril in person~ Emeril came to my child's school's fundraiser to help attract guests, and I thanked him for coming to the fundraiser. Emeril is excellent, and Tommy Lee's behavior and language are terrible. Thanks for bringing attention to the issues of appropriate dress.
Warm best, Alexandra
Oh, wow. Tommy Lee thinks he can verbally abuse people because he is famous and rich. Sense of entitlement much? I wonder how he'd like it if the staff used profanity on him?
Re the article about women worrying about how they look all the time, I'd like people to give equal weighting not just to the awfulness of wearing yoga pants 24/7 but to the way men (of all shapes and sizes) feel it's appropriate to take their shirts off in public when it gets hot in summer. No. I do not want to see this. Maybe you, Brad Pitt. Most of the rest of the population: no. But why do men feel this is appropriate in public? While jogging, while shopping in the grocery store...there is so much I have to see that I wish to un-see. Yet people judge women's clothing and bodies all the time while men seem to get a free pass to walk around half naked and looking pretty gross. I say thank goodness summer is over. :-)
Hi Jenifer! Love your video today. i was wondering if you had any recommendation for budget friendly denim dresses? I love the new one you got but it is not in my budget. Thanks!
Kgirl, you are so right! I wish that men had some of that infamous "body shame" that women seem to have in abundant supply. Maybe they would cover up a little more. It seems that neither gender sees themselves as they are. Women tend to think they look fatter than they do, while men think they are Greek gods. Talk about body dysmorphia....
This topic brings me back to my childhood when my mom always told me "we Asians have to always always look presentable because if we dress sloppy, people will treat us terribly. We just don’t have the room to dress sloppy, not even when we are relaxing. Otherwise, people will think we are homeless.” So we always made sure we look our best in addition to doing every aspect of our life the best as we could because if we dress badly, none of the other parts would matter. I still feel the inner pressure to this date to look my best so that I will be treated equally as my white friends who are dressed very casually. So when my 8 year-old daughter is dressed “unpresentable” and feeling comfortable enough without feeling the pressure to look presentable, while I tell her to dress better and change into something nicer, part of me is feeling happy about it that she is not suppressed by the pressure my mother and my siblings had to go through.
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