
# classical music # Daily Connoisseur

The Chic Assignment, November 2020

Welcome to The Chic Assignment for November, 2020.  The Chic Assignment explores music, artists, and poets, as well as encourages us to elevate our everyday lives through a fun monthly challenge.

Chic Assignment no. 1 Enjoy the music of William Grant Still (1895 - 1978) Serenade for Orchestra

William Grant Still was an American composer and conductor. He was the first African American conductor to conduct a symphony orchestra in the United States. 

I have a wonderful performance from The Cape Cod Chamber Orchestra of Still's Serenade for Orchestra. This is truly a delightful performance! 

Chic Assignment no. 2 Enjoy the poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806 - 1861)

Elizabeth Barrett Browning 

Elizabeth Barrett Browning was an English poet of the Victorian era. She was one of Emily Dickinson's favorite poets. A framed portrait of Barrett Browning hung in the bedroom of Dickinson, whose life had been transfigured by the poetry of “that Foreign Lady.” (from Wikipedia). We are reading, A Flower in a Letter, today. I encourage you to read more of her poetry this month. Check out the resources I have below. We will learn more about Barrett Browning in the mid-month check-in. 

Elizabeth Barrett Browning on The Poetry Foundation

Chic Assignment no. 3 Explore the art of the seasonal table setting

With Thanksgiving upon us, let us refine the art of the seasonal table setting. Choose something unique to place on your table this year, whether it is a seasonal bouquet, cloth napkins, placemats or other special touches. Use what you already have to make your meals special. 

Chic Assignment no. 4 Prepare for gift-giving season
The holidays are upon us. Let's do all we can to prepare in advance so we can slow down and enjoy the month of December. Make lists, order gifts, wrap presents, and get prepared for a jolly gift-giving season. My holiday gift guide will be going up this month and I'm looking forward to all of the Christmas videos I'm planning on the channel. This was a hard year for everyone, but let's make it special closing it out. 

I hope you enjoy this month's assignment. Let us know your observations in the comments and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week. 

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Sharon said...

Thank you for such fun assignments. My most favorite poem ever (actually an excerpt from Aurora Leigh) is by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries,

That's how I want to see life, and this poem reminds me to do just that. I keep it posted on my refrigerator door.

EFC said...

I can't think of Elizabeth Barrett Browning without thinking of that time Lucy had her whole poem on a candy heart....


The Daily Connoisseur said...

Dear ladies, thank you for leaving your comments and participating in The Chic Assignment this month!

Cynthia-Claire said...

Hi Jennifer,

I have a "scathingly brilliant idea" (Haley Mills in the delightful 1966 'The Trouble with Angels' movie)for your next book (if you haven't already thought of it): a collection of your poems. The ones you have posted on your blog are just beautiful and wonderfully written. They spoke to my heart. I truly think you should publish them at some point - I would buy the book! I have your others and have read them several times. Absolutely love them.

Cindy Bulharowski

Mgardner said...

Hello Mrs. Scott!
Love your videos! Please keep them coming.
The assignment this month has me remembering poems I used to love and reading others for the first time. Even beyond Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Here's one I have discovered that I thought you would appreciate from a poet I have always loved, Ann Taylor.
Its called, "My Mother".
My new favorite! Thank you so much!


The Daily Connoisseur said...

Cynthia-Claire- thank you so much! Writing poetry is a true joy for me. It's one of my favorite things to do.

Mgardner- Thank you! Thank you for sharing that!

Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!


Jennifer xx