Hello everyone, I hope you're having a lovely weekend. I would love to hear how your Chic February assignment is coming along. Please leave your comments below with your updates. I love to hear from you.
In today's video I share my updates with you. What strange thing do I do when listening to the Beethoven Sonata? What is the one piece in my ten-item wardrobe that isn't working for me? What new natural find do I have? What have I been reading? Watch for more.
Mentioned in today's video: this is my faux flower arrangement, my candle, the LL Bean dresses (these are the new ones for spring), shampoo bars, conditioner bars, and The Private World of Tasha Tudor.
Have a lovely weekend and I'll see you Monday for part 2 of our Etiquette Conundrum video. :)
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Greetings Jennifer! I'm so excited about these Chic assignments :) Went through my wardrobe to get rid of one item, and ended up cleaning it all out and donating several other things as well!
And, this is random, but I love your hangers (seen when you show the dark blue dress). They're so pretty!
Oh, I discovered the Pathetique ”challenge” just now - this is one of my absolute favourite pieces ❤️ Especially with Daniel
Barenboim, you can find amazing recordings of him playing it on Youtube.
Hi Jennifer,
I love, love, love assignments! Thank you!
1. Book: "Christy" by Catherine Marshall - one of my all-time favorite books which I just re-read this month.
2. Loved the Beethoven piece, but for regular listening I recently found the phone app "Abiding Radio" and select the instrumental hymns. I can connect with Bluetooth speakers in our living room or my portable BT speaker in the kitchen. What a nice addition to my life.
3. Love my Karen Scott lightweight cardigans that I sewed up to turn into pullovers. I get the neckline I like this way. Decluttered the sweatshirt I just bought last week. I bought it because "it's just $10!" Sigh. When will I ever learn?
4. My mom just told me that Burt's Bees foot cream does wonders on her calluses, so I'm going to give it a try. Have it ordered!
Glad you let us know that you will have more videos that won't be on your blog - I try to just watch you here because I get so distracted (waste time) with all the other uTube promotions/suggestions/temptations in the sidebar!
Thank you again!!
Jennifer, you are just so delightful I must say. I've been working "with you" on the capsule wardrobe for about 2 1/2 years! I love it. I've made mistakes but also there have been some lifestyle changes requiring more wardrobe changes and that's ok.
So, one item I love is my dresses. I discovered Max Studio at TJ Maxx, good price, good style and fit for me. (Actually if you find a brand that works and stay with it, it eliminates a lot of aimless browsing.)
One item to discard. I drink two beverages, water and coffee. I'm slowly eliminating the sweetener in coffee (sucralose.)
Books- Also reading 3 from Christmas gifts. "The Feather Thief," "The Gut" by Giulia Enders (humorous and informative) and "Women Who Loved God" (great goodnight read).
Bless you. You provide such enjoyment.
Thank you so much, ladies, for leaving your comments and findings! I am so happy you are enjoying this series! I look forward to more...
And thank you for your recommendations too! I have much to add to my list!
Jennifer xx
Love this! I am especially happy to learn about the L.L. Bean dresses, as I’m generally not a fan of dresses—but those seem manageable and easy to wear!
I have been reading “The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter” by David Sax. I am trying to reduce my screen time as it was contributing to my insomnia. As for “Pathetique,” perhaps I can find a fantastic recording on vinyl to add to my record collection!
I think the chic assignments will build community in a lovely way. I have already ordered the Tasha Tudor book and "Christy" (recommended above by Deborah)from my library. Some of the other books mentioned sound good, but I must pace myself ; )
I've been re-reading the Jan Karon series of Mitford books - just finished "A New Song" - one of my favorites.
I love classical music and thank you for highlighting a new piece to enjoy.
I love some jeans that actually fit me well and come in Short length (not petite!). They are Kim Rogers from Belk. I haven't yet found something to discard, but I generally do that as I go along, so it will happen.
I use mostly natural products already, and sometimes struggle to find truly unscented ones. I will look into the shampoo bars - they sound interesting.
Thank you Jennifer and everyone!
I totally understand about pretending to conduct during that sonata. It has that effect on me too. I once substituted for a high school orchestra teacher and had so much fun pretending to conduct (no idea what I was doing) while the students rehearsed. I was interested to hear about the Tasha Tudor book. I first learned about her several years ago when my husband and Tasha’s son worked together. (US Air Force) I have a small print that her daughter-in-law gave me that hangs in my kitchen. She must have been an amazing person. I’ll see if I can find that book. Thanks for doing these chic challenges. I look forward to hearing about the shampoo bars.
I found at least 17 Tasha Tudor books at www.thriftbooks.com. I've ordered from them many times and have been very pleased. The books were from $3 to $18. Free shipping over $10. FYI
Yay! So excited for bar shampoo review! Thank you!
My mom subscribed to Victoria. I'm seeing her this weekend for her birthday. My sister and I always take her to a tea room which is such a fun tradition! I have cut back on giving material gifts, but as an artist and Victoria fan, I think my mom would love this book! (Maybe I'll borrow it when she's done.😉)
I'm thinking I need a confessional closet, even if I don't have a vlog. Looks delightfully peaceful.😊 I will sneak off to my closet where I can watch your videos without hearing my girls' mimic you. "Jennifer here!" You would crack up.😂
Thanks for your calm breaks in motherhood! ❤️
Thanks for the assignments!
1) Beethoven - how can you go wrong! Beautiful.
2) Book: The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis - and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance. Author: Ben Sasse. Recommended by folks on both sides of the aisle, this book is NOT a political statement. Rather, it is a challenge from a home-schooling dad (& mom) to parent, teach, nurture and challenge our children beyond perpetual adolescence into full, confident adult-hood. This book will make you think, deeply, about personal priorities and the joy of giving our children wings.
3) Closet: This is my weakest area .... but I managed to get rid of one blouse and am certain that as soon as I can find 2 new pair of jeans, I can get rid of 4 more item that are "ratty" and or too big! Yeah.
Best Assignment Writing blog. Thanks for sharing.
So the next book is the "Madame Chic Tout Naturel"! Can't wait to read that one!
Hi Jennifer, I love, love this assignment idea. Not only have I found that, Alexa, will play the Beethoven piece, that you assigned us, but I've also discovered that my cable TV service has a light classical music station! I now turn it on while I tidy the kitchen in the mornings. My vet recently told me to play classical music for my new rescue dog to help with separation anxiety - so even the dog is joining this February challenge! Several years ago I discovered the joy of audio books! I finished an audio novel last weekend - I listen to at least 2 a month. I often listen to a novel while working on a project -makes time fly! I usually have at least one paper book that I am reading also - this month it's, Our Prince of Scribes writers remember Pat Conroy. Many of Conroy's friends have written loving stories of their time with him. The foreword is written by Barbra Streisand. If you haven't ever read Conroy you've missed a treat. Try his novel, The Water is Wide - what a marvelous book! Recently I've changed from my old standby of 40 years, Windex, to Method natural window and surface cleaner in mint and really like it! I work every season now to pare down my wardrobe and get closer to ten items. I'm working on getting rid of what I haven't worn this winter and what I don't like. Each season I buy fewer clothes now that I'm determined to be a member of the ten item club. My favorite item this winter has been jeans that are a good fit but I've worn them two winters and they are looking tired so I ordered two new pair in a dark wash and was thrilled to find them on sale - I've packed them away for next fall/winter. I'm really looking forward to your Spring/Summer 2019 wardrobe! Becoming chic is a work in progress. Thanks for all you do to inspire us. donna
Thank you Jennifer, what a fun "chic challenge"; I am so enjoying making myself and my life better!
I enjoyed the Beetoven sonata you recommended, but admit that Bach and Vivaldi are still my favorites(I love your Bach for Breakfast recommendation)
I went through my closet and got rid of a pair of jeans and a sweater/blouse that were just not working. I have a favorite pair of medium wash, bootcut jeans and a pale pink button down shirt from Gap that are my absolute favorites! They make me feel polished and presentable but fit my life on a West TX ranch.
I am reading 2 books right now: Valiant Ambition by Nathaniel Philbrick and a gardening book by my favorite British gardener, Monty Don called Down to Earth.
I can't wait to see what you choose for March!
Thank you for checking in, ladies. This is so much fun! I have added so many of your books to my list. I'm looking forward to continuing this series throughout the year!
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