The last time I did a video sharing our Home Chef meals, a few people commented on my small portion sizes with interest. I've also had some requests over the years to discuss portion control and how I manage my meal portions.
I have partnered with Home Chef on today's video. I'm going to show you four typical dinners and share what I ate and what was left over. This will give you a good idea about the portions I eat. This is the article on the evolution of the size of the Sunday roast that I discuss in the video.
I don't do portion control on purpose and there isn't a particular rhyme and reason to why I choose to eat certain things over others, I am just naturally more full when I have certain types of dishes. If you recall, I did a video on antique dishes vs. modern dishes and portion control a few years ago when I was pregnant with my third child. I'll link that here for your reference.

I'm using the four dishes we made with Home Chef earlier in the month to share my portion sizes. When I first tried out Home Chef, Ben was out of the country, but I knew he had to try it. Ben loved it more than I do and we have since become customers! It's been a big blessing for me because Ben enjoys making the meals so much he cooks all of them for me. So there are four meals a week now where I do not have to cook. It is working for us right now and I am really enjoying it!
I hope you enjoy hearing my process in today's video. I also show you how to cook chicken paillard, steak moutarde, spicy southwest shrimp tacos, and bbq chicken ranch pizzas with arugula.
Home Chef have given the Daily Connoisseur audience a great discount. Use code JENNIFERS80 for $80 off ($20 off each of your first 4 boxes)
I would love to know your philosophy on portion sizes. Do you struggle in this area? Or do you have any tips to share with us? Let me know in the comment section below and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.
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FTC: Today's post is sponsored by Home Chef. Home Chef links are not affiliate.
I feel so much better when, like you, I eat what to some seems like a small portion. A lot of restaurants serve such large portions that it seems crazy to me. Most of the time I take leftovers home and and have another meal or two from them. I also drink water with my meals and that may add to my feeling full. I hate that stuffed feeling so find it easy to not eat a huge portion. It’s not a sacrifice. I also like many types of food so don’t ever cut out anything in particular, including sweets. I enjoy savoring my food. In eating this way, I’ve maintained a healthy weight throughout my life and have never had to take any serious weight loss measures. It just works for me and seems so easy.
Jennifer would you consider doing a week of what you eat? Like you do week of outfits?
It would be really helpful to know from a credible review perspective exactly what you mean when you say a company has 'sponsored' you, 'partnered with' you and then what it means for you to be 'a customer'in addition to that. Also as to whether a company initially approaches you or you approach them. Do they pay you in addition to providing free product and then offer you a discounted rate as a customer? Do you approach them to review a product a second time? Is there an ongoing paid arrangement, eg 6 posts over a year for a fee? This is not a criticism, it's just useful to have all the information to hand when weighing up the independence of a review. I appreciate that you also offer discounts to your viewers as well and that these videos take way much more time to put together than the average person could even contemplate. But since you seem to be doing more sponsored posts now, clearly laying out what this entails would help inform my own purchasing decisions. Thanks, Jennifer.
Hi ladies, I hope you're having a great weekend. Thanks for your comments!
Frenchcaligirl- I love that. I'm totally with you! I always have leftovers when I go to a restaurant.
OneSlimMum- thanks for the recommendation! I have had a few requests like that so hopefully I can do one in the spring.
Kgirl- no problem! Here's how the sponsored videos work. I am approached by a potential sponsor (sometimes I approach companies and ask if they'd like to sponsor). I opted to work with Home Chef because I was curious about the service. The sponsor pays me to do a dedicated video featuring my honest opinion featuring their product. Ben and I have become customers because we like the product. We pay full price and do not get a discount on our weekly orders (I wish we did, but alas no :) ). When I do a sponsored video I always mention it at the beginning of the video and make it clear in the blog post. I appreciate my sponsors because they help to compensate me for the vast amount of time I spend on my YT channel and blog. Some people choose to go with sponsors, some choose to be fan funded with sites like Patreon. I'd rather have my blog available to all people right now and choose to work with relevant sponsors with companies I actually like. Hope that helps. Thanks for watching.
That's a really helpful and well-considered response, Jennifer. Thank you! If I'm in the market for a product I often read, say, a journalist independently reviewing five of them in an article, where there's no bias toward any of them or payment from the supplier. But that usually doesn't show me what they look like or see them in real action in the home, so I like to look at your video side of things too. I think there's room for both kind of reviews. :-)
Hola Jennifer! I noticed you are using a cast iron pan. I have never been able to keep mine from rusting...I know I (or someone in my household ;-)) is cleaning it incorrectly. I want to go and purchase another one, so I'd love some quick tips on how your care for yours...And I love this Home Chef concept, but I live in Europe, so I guess it isn't an option here..and I am not complaining! ;-). Love everything you do! Best, Claudia
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