Join me for my monthly rebound with me series. My aim was to jump on the rebounder every day in January, but I didn't quite get to that and the month seemed to fly by. I have the goal of dong 5 minutes a day now in February. I hope you enjoy jumping with me in today's video.
This is the rebounder I use for exercise.
And linked here are the jogger pants I'm exercising in, as well as my Daily Connoisseur workout sweatshirt.
I hope you enjoy jumping with me in today's video. I shot this last week and have been jumping to this same routine each night. It's been fun listening to the music and jumping along! I hope you have fun too.
Please note: this video is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult a health professional before embarking on rebounding.
Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you on Monday for an interview with author, Fiona Ferris!
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Thanks for the motivation and encouragement!
A couple questions - do you normally rebound in your living room?
Where do you keep the rebounder when you aren't using it?
Keep up the good work!
I love it that you are so willing to share all aspects of the Daily Connoisseur life and your video was so uplifting and inspiring. Okay, I'll admit that I was eating lentil chips as I watched the video and I gave my blue Needak Rebounder to my twin sister in La Quinta, because I thought I wanted a black one, and she was looking for a fun workout routine after a long day's work at school. So, now I'm rebounder-less and I need to buy my own. I sent her your video link so she can enjoy your workout, too! What's great about your routine is that this five-minute workout is really good for cardio and the amount of time is so doable in anyone's life. We all have five minutes to take better care of ourselves and our health matters. Excellent workout routine, Jennifer!
Hi ladies,
I'm sorry I'm just now replying. Anon- thank you! I do rebound in my living room... not the one shown in the video, but our family room. We keep it in our family room because there is always someone jumping on it! But Needak also sell a folding rebounder.
Vicki- Thank you! I think I replied to your comment on YouTube but I will say it again, you are so nice to give your rebounder to your sister! Take care
Hi Jennifer,
My office has a trampoline and I just brought into one of our conference rooms for privacy and did this video. It was great and challenging! I'm going to share it with my coworkers.
Thanks, as always, for the great ideas and inspiration.
Update: Good news update that my sister returned the rebounder to me this weekend, because she wasn't using it and I am very happy she did! As you said in your February video, I've been faithfully doing your five-minute routine daily during the month of March and feel so good in the short amount of time I spend on it. I love the cardio aspect and it's easy to be consistent with the rebounder. I turn this video on and jump with you! The routine gets easier every time and I love the music. Thank you!
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