Our last etiquette video was a big hit! So many of you tuned in to hear our response to your etiquette conundrums. Ben and I are back today with a video answering your private etiquette conundrums.
When I put out the call for you to send us your stories and questions, I mentioned that you could email me privately through my author website if you wished to remain anonymous in the video. I was surprised to see that I had no emails (I normally receive a notification when I receive a web site message). A few days passed and I decided to check the website internally. I had so many emails from you that it broke the system!
*Please note: I have been receiving so many emails that I am not always able to respond. Please know that I love receiving your emails and read every one!
So today, we are responding to your private etiquette queries. Everyone in this session will remain anonymous. I hope you enjoy our answers. As always, we love to hear from you! Please chime in with your input in the comment section below. Your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.
I hope you enjoy today's video.
To see our previous etiquette video, click here.
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Comment of the Week
Anonymous wrote, "Greetings Jennifer! I'm so excited about these Chic assignments :) Went through my wardrobe to get rid of one item, and ended up cleaning it all out and donating several other things as well!
And, this is random, but I love your hangers (seen when you show the dark blue dress). They're so pretty!"
Thank you! I love that the Chic Assignment motivated you to continue clearing the clutter in your wardrobe!
I would love to hear your thoughts on the etiquette matters discussed in today's video. Thanks for your support. Ben and I truly enjoy doing this series!
I'll see you on Wednesday for a Londontown spring swatching video.
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Ben and Jennifer, I love these etiquette chats of yours, and really appreciated your giving a possible solution to each.
Regarding guests who want to help clean up after a dinner: I do not like help. I once had to hastily grab a stainless steel pot scrubbed out of a relative’s hand as she was using it on a sterling silver knife!!!!! (sterling silver is soft and scratches easily.). I also do not like the scavenger hunts that follow strangers putting away dried dishes. Some people seem to think things can be put away anywhere and that simply out of sight is the goal. Drives me nuts!! I do offer when I am a guest but I now go out of my way to insist on no help and even then, some people still continue to clean up!!
I also have a pet peeve that maybe you can address: several regular guests, when invited over for a group meal, and when told not to bring food as everything will be provided, still often show up with a side dish or dessert and announce it with a clear expectation that it will be served. Once, one person came with 3 things that she said were leftovers from a meal she had the day before!!!! I told her I would set them out later as we ran out of food and there was more room on the buffet counter. I began putting them i. the refrigerator while she suddenly began shoving things around on my carefully planned buffet surface so she could cram her 3 serving bowls in!!! I was furious. I had planned the meal to be a certain theme and decoration and resented her using me as a way to get rid of her leftovers. It would be like inviting someone over to see a painting you just finished and they pick up a brush and add more paint to it! I do have potluck meals on rare occasion but I am always clear which it is. One person is a family member and the other is a close friend of a family member. How do others of you handle these things? It’s not huge in the scope of things, but it annoys me a lot.
This session of you two together was BETTER than the last one! Really enjoyed it!
Y'all are so cute! Looks like you are having fun. Love that.
This session was great. Hard to believe the things some people do. You and Ben are so much fun! Makes me want to live next door to you. 😊
Ladies, thank you for chiming in.
Anon- re: the dishes. I totally am with you on that one! I might read your story in a future chat. Thank you.
Thank you all for commenting and I'll see you next time!
Jennifer xx
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