I sneak off to my closet studio with a cup of tea and The Private World of Tasha Tudor in today's video.
Tasha Tudor was a talented illustrator and a lover of the Victorian era. She lived on a farm in Vermont and replicated an early Victorian life there. Join me as I go through this beautiful book and share Tasha Tudor's wisdom, bluntness, garden tips, and favorite quotes.
Here is an introduction on Tasha from her website:
Tasha Tudor, one of America’s most beloved author-illustrators of children’s literature, has brought abiding joy to generations of readers. During her lifetime, she wrote and illustrated more than two dozen published texts while her artwork has now appeared in over one hundred different titles and on multitudinous greeting cards. She is justifiably famous and appreciated around the world, for the expressive nature of her exquisite watercolors and pencil drawings (particularly those featuring children) which often convey tranquility as well as gentle humor.
Tasha's favorite quote by Henry David Thoreau sums up her credo beautifully:
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."
What a beautiful and inspiring credo and what a wonderful and inspiring woman Tasha Tudor was.
Mentioned and featured in the video:
Anne of Green Gables 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition
On my nails: Afternoon Tea by Londontown (use code JenniferS for 25% off)
My earrings are by Ana Luisa NY Use code Jennifer10 for $10 off your order.
The faux flower arrangement is by Horchow.
The candle is Sweetly Resting by Sudsy Soapery
I hope you enjoy today's video
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On Instagram
I love this image of Tasha from the Tasha Tudor and Family Instagram
Comment of the Week
Thank you for your lovely response to my "Things Daily Connoisseurs Say" video on Monday. I had no idea how that would be received. My goal was to not only laugh at myself but to also make you laugh and bring a smile to your day. I think the mission was accomplished! I already have a part two that I'm thinking about. Thank you for your encouragement. Gypsy Liz & Co. wrote, "This is fantastic! I laughed out loud multiple times, and must say: being able to laugh at oneself while still maintaining connoisseur standards is the height of Chic!"
Thank you! I agree. We all need to be able to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves too seriously. That truly is chic :)
Thank you for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed this flip-through of Tasha Tudor's beautiful book! For more, visit her website Tasha Tudor and Family. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. I'll see you tomorrow for a review of shampoo and conditioner bars. (You won't want to miss this review!) xx
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Beautiful book! I put a hold on it at the library! :) I like how she recommends that you buy one variety of flowers and buy lots of them--I may need to take that to heart. I'm forever trying to buy different plants/flowers to try them out and see how they'll do in my yard.
Thank you for reviewing "The Private World of Tasha Tudor". I was not aware of Tasha or her work.
Our library system does not have a copy of that book, but I was able to check out "Tasha Tudor's Heirloom Crafts" and "The Tasha Tudor Family Cookbook". What a lovely peek into her life! And my husband highly recommends Tasha's "receipt" (that's "recipe" for most of us:) for baking powder biscuits. I baked our batch on a cast iron griddle in our gas oven, since we do not have a wood-fired cookstove. Delish! What stood out to me most in the books I read, was her work ethic and generosity of spirit. And yes, her plain speech is a most refreshing read.
About the flowers ..... I used to plant a tangled variety of blooms in my small flower bed in front of our house. It just looked messy. Since finding the Hope For Humanity rose at our local nursery I now have 3 bushes filling the bed, and since they are repeat bloomers, the gorgeous show goes on until frost. Minimal weeding, weekly watering, and bouquets for the house for 4 months. Very chic?
Thank you for sharing this book and for the suggestion to borrow it from the library. Good idea! I had "The Tasha Tudor Cookbook: Recipes and Reminiscences from Corgi Cottage". But I donated it to the children who survived the wildfire in Paradise, California last year. Maybe I will replace that cookbook with this book you shared.
Her idea to buy one type of flower is wonderful since I am even more clueless than you are when it comes to gardening!
No need to apologize for sharing Tasha's opinion on femininity and clothing! I am in wholehearted agreement.
Warm best wishes,
I've dipped into Tasha Tudor's books for many years and find her interesting and enchanting. I'm so happy she talked about her art being what she did to make money, that she was a "commercial" artist. I make my money as a writer and editor. Many people are disappointed to learn I write television and radio commercials, articles on how to evaluate and select the best health plan for you, brochures about free services the local hospital offers seniors, etc. I'm a "commercial" writer-editor and proud of my skills. Someone has to write those things, and I do a very good job of it! People think creative careers like illustration and writing are magical, mystical endeavors. In reality, they are jobs. You study, learn from criticism, and gain experience. The reality is you put your butt in the chair and work. Don't get me wrong -- I enjoy my work. Clearly and accurately communicating a message to readers is very satisfying. I've learned a ton about everything from roofs and rugby to dog sled racing and medical treatments for stroke. Writing for a living has taught me how to ask questions, evaluate situations, and appreciate other good writing.
I also loved Tudor saying readers don't know the real her. Of course, that's due in large part to the romanticized persona she adopted, but it also does her a disservice. She was a talented human with human problems. (She was divorced twice and fell out with several of her children, disinheriting them.) She was successful enough to live the life she felt best suited her -- at least I hope she did. Her beautiful illustrations enriched many people's reading experiences including mine. Good book choice, Jennifer, and good points to highlight.
I couldn't agree more on wearing clothes that retain an air of mystery. This is what I taught my now-grown daughter as a young teen and I'm proud of how beautifully she presents herself now.
The final quote is wonderful, and funnily enough it has always been my dream to live on some remote land with a beautiful garden, goats and chickens, and do everything the traditional way. Currently I am 'blooming where I am planted' and live on a quarter acre with a big vegetable garden and orchard. We live without a dishwasher or clothes dryer, heat the home with a fire and use oil lamps and candles at night. The dream of living on acres seems too difficult/expensive/ impractical, but I'm encouraged to keep moving in that direction.
Tasha's suggestion of rocking on the porch with a cup of chamomile and just connecting with nature around you is simple yet brilliant. Unfortunately so much of our stress is self-induced (think scrolling through facebook when one should be cleaning the house!) Jennifer, I look forward to your thoughts on stress!
A final thought on being a housewife. When I don't want to clean my house I remind myself how beautifully my home shelters me, keeps me warm, provides me with a cosy bed and good food - so I should enjoy taking care of my home in return and be grateful for all it gives me.
That was a lovely review of a lady I have never heard of. I too was besotted by Anne of Green Gables in my early teens and still have my VHS copies of the show. I loved Anne's intelligent and adventurous spirit and always wished I could wear clothes like hers(but not look silly in the modern world😆). I still watch programs that go back in time such as "Victorian Farm", which is an English series. Your review confirms that I'm not alone in the world and that there are other "kindred spirits" out there! It's nice to know😊
All the best,
Belinda x
I am part of the way through reading this book after I got it from my library. I love it! I kept noticing all the connoisseur-ish thoughts she was sharing : )
I am in agreement with Madeleine above on the dressing with an air of mystery and the porch-sitting vs. stressors. Yes, please, Jennifer, follow through with a post on stress.
Tasha's quotes on dressing like a lady and what was given up when women gave up long skirts are great! So was your statement of "just because you can doesn't mean you should"! So many people need to hear that.
Tasha was a timeless kind of woman - I can imagine her holding her own with the worst of naysayers. I loved her housewife comments - no apologies!
Thank you for introducing us to this book. I'm looking forward to the rest of it. I will probably read it again when I finish. The photos are so gorgeous!
I love Tasha Tudor and have been fascinated with her for quite some time. Amazon has available for $1.99 a documentary on her. It's lovely.
Like you, Jennifer, I love Tasha Tudor; the lifestyle she designed for herself, her gardens, her Corgis, birds, goats. The "original Victoria Magazine is where I first learned of Tasha Tudor. After viewing your Tasha Tudor post tonight, I ordered a used copy of "The Private World of Tasha Tudor from Amazon. I already own a beloved copy of the book, "Tasha Tudor's Garden" published in 1994.
I have a copy of the "very first issue" of Victoria Magazine circa 1984. A girlfriend and I were traveling from Detroit to Toronto by train for a "fun" weekend. At a stop, we jumped off the train for a few minutes and there is where I found this very first issue of Victoria Magazine on the magazine rack in the Canadian train station. I immediately subscribed when I got back home. As a result, I have a copy of every issue since the beginning...except for the Christmas copy from just before the original magazine ceased publication. Without going through my stash, I can't tell you the exact date of my last copy. I will tell you, every many years, I still enjoy randomly choosing a few issues of Victoria to look and read through again and find that I enjoy them still, as if no time had passed. Obviously, my sensibilities remain pretty much the same, though even back then, I loved the music of the 1970s,80s, 90s, and the 1940s and some classical because of my mother. "Claire de Lune" is my all time favorite.Yesterday, I went to see "Bohemian Rhapsody" for the second time with two of my girlfriends because I have always loved the music of "Queen."
My mom and I have been fans of Tasha's for years! She was an uncommon soul who lived life completely on her terms!!
You have a typo. You wrote Henry David Thorough, instead of Thoreau.
Hi ladies,
Thank you for your comments on this video. I enjoyed doing this very much and will do similar ones in the future. I loved all of your insight on Tasha. Anon- thank you for letting me know about the typo. My computer has autocorrect software that is infuriating at times.
Thanks ladies and I hope to see you on The Chic Assignment this month!
I just got The Private World of Tasha Tudor out of the library. Oh my goodness what a beautiful book! This quote really spoke to me:
"When I am working in the barn or house, I often thin of alll the errors I've made in my life. But then I quickly put all that behind me and think of water lilies. They will always eradicate unpleasant thoughts. Or goslings are equally comforting in their own way."
I think this is really good advice. Replace unhelpful or unpleasant thoughts with something lovely and peaceful!
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