"There's nothing here to KonMarie. Don't you know I have a ten-item wardrobe?" OK, so you might not have ever uttered that phrase, but in today's video, Things Daily Connoisseurs Say, you might find some other phrases you've been known to say.
I had a lot of fun creating this skit, which is a parody of our Daily Connoisseur channel, but also encapsulates so much of what we talk about every day. I hope today's video gives you a good chuckle. If you ever find yourself saying these lines, you are most likely a Daily Connoisseur!
The apron I'm wearing in the video was a gift from my mother-in-law. I love it. So pretty!
I would love to know... which phrase resonates with you the most?
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📍I'm a guest on MacKenzie Koppa's Cultivating the Lovely podcast. Check out our fun interview about motherhood, Paris, Madame Chic and cultivating the lovely when you are in the trenches of life! :)
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📍Check out my affordable eCourses, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living and Create Your Own Ten-item Wardrobe.
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At Home with Madame Chic in Poland...
Daily Connoisseur Testimonial
Jane H. writes, "I've been slowly trying to incorporate Madame Chic's wisdom into our household (recently married couple in early 30's). It's funny, because yesterday I was procrastinating writing a huge paper for school and cleaned the house for most of the day. For half of the day I wore pajama pants and a college T-shirt. I was listening to an audiobook and then your YouTube videos as I cleaned, and realized that I really should wear actual clothing. We rarely have people over, but its been my habit that I just wear ugly, comfortable but definitely not presentable clothing while at home- so that even if FedEx knocks, I would be too embarrassed to open the door. Why would I continue with this behavior? So, I simply put on a nice t-shirt and some shorts, nothing fancy, but something you can be seen in outside. I later even donned an apron while cooking. My husband came home and pleasantly laughed that I appeared domestic. This morning instead of wearing pajamas or a dressing gown I braided my hair and put on a summer dress (I live in FL, and it will be mid 80's today). Again, nothing fancy, but I feel good about myself. I will say that it takes some courage to get out of your comfort zone. Thank you for being a motivation and inspiration."
Jane, how wonderful. I love your story. I went through a similar mind-shift and it's been life-changing!
Comment of the Week
On last week's etiquette conundrum video, Inspired by Nikki wrote, "Good morning Jennifer! Oh no, the chamber pot! These are wonderful videos, I love them so much. Thank you both for doing these, it’s always nice to hear Ben’s take, he had me laughing with his response to the country club lady🌹"
Thank you, Nikki! We enjoy doing this etiquette series and plan to turn it into a regular event here on The Daily Connoisseur. The country club conundrum was my favorite of all the stories :)
I would love to know... which phrase have you been known to say in today's video? Let us know and your comment could be comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.
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Ah, yes, not to take ourselves too seriously or self-righteously as the Chic Police! Thank you for having a sense of self-deprecating humor today! Laughing with you!
Love the conducting in the kitchen while wearing rubber gloves!!
The phrase that resonates the most with me is where you comment on the vulgar music in the doctor's office, and say, "What's wrong with classical?". I SO agree, and have been known to make similar comments! We are force-fed music and TV programs in a lot of public places and I absolutely hate it. Not to mention the many negative impacts it has on impressionable children.
I almost always carry a book (or have something ready to read on my phone). Waiting rooms with TV or music with words is very distracting to me when I'm trying to read.
"Being chic is being prepared" This was so much fun, I watched it twice!!! I agree with, Jo, in her comment above. Why can't the doctor's office just provide a few good magazines instead of a wide screen TV with it's distracting noise. Surely, magazines are less expensive than cable TV. Also the music in retail stores has gotten ridiculous. Last week I went shopping in two stores. My favorite department store sounded like a county music bar and the annoying music in TJMaxx was so loud and distracting I couldn't wait to leave!!
This was awesome! LOVED it! I'd like to add that when you are on hold while on the phone, I've noticed pretty unprofessional music choices as of late... anyone else have this experience?
Thankfully, the OBGYN office I visit has videos playing that educate about all sorts of healthy pregnancy/ overall health topics, much better than cable TV.
The main phrase I use is "time for a cup of tea!" and commenting on the Duchess of Cambridge's latest :) I love the "being chic is being prepared!" You also gracefully accept compliments, I tend to have a difficult time with those.
I rarely leave comments, but I just had to after this video. This really made me laugh, such a fun video!
Hey Jennifer! This video is so adorable. You’re personality is so refreshing and always makes me laugh. I love our “connoisseur” ways of life. It’s so nice to share these things in common as so many people don’t get it. I had family in town from New Orleans this past weekend and we had just got back from a ski vacation on Friday night. It was SO wonderful to pull out my slow cooker and plop in two freezer bags of your taco soup recipe that I made last month that had been in my deep freezer. I definitely felt chic and prepared. Best of all, the soup was delicious and everyone loved it. I didn’t have to worry about cooking while I was trying to catch up and visit with them. Thanks for always making me smile.
LOVE this video! I watched it twice and smiled all the way through both times! Love that we can laugh and not take ourselves TOO seriously! Always enjoy your writing. Unfortunately,I DO have a lot to "Kon Marie" -- I'm still a work in progress. Thanks for the inspiration!
Such a fun video!!!
But seriously. The burgundy mascara. I LOVE it. It is my must have!
Love you Jennifer!
I remember when I first read Maria Kondo's book. All my close friends were going on and on and I did say, " I have a 10 item wardrobe! What do you expect me to get rid of? "
This video today made me smile!
Kathleen Hemingway
Wonderful !
You had me smiling all the way through !
I go to a lot of estate sales, and they usually present people with a large bag at the door to put all one's items in. I invariably decline one. "I'm your worst nightmare: a Minimalist. I seldom buy anything, thanks anyway."
Also at estate sales:
Salesperson: "Tomorrow will be 20% off!"
Me: "I only buy what I love, so if I love something I will buy it now lest someone else buys it. Besides, your prices are already much lower than retail!"
I once stopped going to a luncheonette that I habituated when they introduced a TV into the room. No one talked to anyone anymore; they just stared at the TV. I only went for the conversation -- certainly not the food -- so I stopped going.
When I find out that someone reads a lot, I generally squeal "OMG! Me too!" Then they get excited also and we discuss books in an animated fashion.
There are two major used book sales for charity in my area during the year. I google their dates, put it on my calendar, and show up early. They are my High Holidays.
This is fantastic! I laughed out loud multiple times, and must say: being able to laugh at oneself while still maintaining connoisseur standards is the height of Chic!
Best post ever! ❤️
This was just plain fun! I love your posts, Jennifer.
"I can't believe they're playing 'The Price is Right' with the volume cranked at the doctor's office again. Is there a 24-hour channel for this, because it's on every time I'm here. The bells...my migraine..."
Hi ladies, thank you so much for watching and commenting. I was unsure of how this video would be received and if everyone would "get" the jokes :) So happy to hear that you liked it! I'm the first person to make fun of myself. I think it's a necessary attribute to "chic" :). I will definitely do a part 2. You have given me great ideas!
Oh, this was good and I loved the KonMari humor along with you dancing and conducting "the orchestra" in your kitchen as you cleaned. That's how you make cleaning fun!
Very cute! While i don't like classical music, I do love opea and cello. Does that count?!! I hate music on everywhere especially the grocery because all make jarring, loud make announcements every 10 seconds anyway, so why bother? There is a good Ted talk and why quiet is so good for us. good sense of humer!
Hi Jennifer,
So hilarious, I just loved it, “5 more minutes” “yoga pants, you know I don’t own yoga pants” “I just jump on my rebounder” “it’s the burgundy mascara” “we need to seek out the arts” and I loved your conducting the orchestra in washing up gloves. This just made my day. Kind regards Fi
So good to have a site where we share a joy for cultivating fine living! Great video.
This just made my birthday even better! :)
I love seeing your goofy side! You and your family must have a ball. Please keep the comedy coming!
Thanks, Jennifer. I have never commented before but this was simply to good to pass! Not to take ourselves with righteousness in a great attitude. It was so much fun! And one always needs a good laugh.
What I also say:
"What time is it? It's time for a cup of tea".
"Let me just get my apron on".
"I can't use this. It's not natural enough."
"Being chis is being prepared".
What I also do: I "conduct" classic music in the kitchen (and everywhere else in the house for that matter).
Have a nice weekend, greetings from Germany,
@madeofmydreams I can totally relate! On a slightly related note - recently I've been invited to two clothing-swap parties. Each time I think, "clothing swap, what for? I love everything I have!". So I scrounge around hoping to find one thing, to be able to join in the fun lol.
"Mommy's just trying to cultivate her mind!" HA! That surely resonated as I'm trying to train my two VERY young children (1 & 2!) to let mommy have a quick reading break in the afternoon. Five more minutes, please! :)
Also just had to share an audiobook I think you and your children will love! It's Julie Andrews' Collection of Poems, Songs, and Lullabies. I listen to it with my children as we eat lunch and it's turned a quite hassle-y time of our day into a pleasure. My son has even begun to quote lines from it...now just to train him on his classical composers :)
Thank you for another fun video, Jennifer!
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