In part 2 of Elegant Things You Own But Probably Never Use, we are exploring the elegant items we likely have at home that need more appreciation and use. My intention with this series is not to encourage you to buy these items, but rather to use them if you already have them.
I you haven't seen part one yet, you can check it out here. Now, let's take a look at the ten more elegant things we own, but hardly ever use.

Here's a picture of me as a child enjoying my Grandfather's favorite chair :)
⚜️ Furniture Do you remember how people used to cover their nice furniture with plastic in the old days? This was to either discourage people from using it, or to protect it from spills and stains. This is much less common now as we see the folly behind saving our best furniture for later, but we could all use the reminder to use our best furniture and rooms on a regular basis.
My grapefruit cake turned out beautifully.
⚜️ Special cookware and bakeware Many of us have received novelty gifts involving special cookware and bakeware. I have a beautiful lemon loaf pan, for example, that I hardly ever use. I'm not sure why I favor the plain loaf pans, but recently I decided to make a cake in it and it was a complete joy to behold (and to eat!). If you have special cookware or bakeware, I encourage you to use it. Don't let these items sit unused on the back of your kitchen shelf.
⚜️ Special serveware Cake stands, cheese boards, silver platters, crystal bowls... you might have inherited these items or found them at a garage sale. But do you ever use them? I need prompting in this area as well, as I tend to only use these on birthdays and special holidays. Let's break them out on a regular basis. Beautiful serveware is a joy to use.

Woman with a handkerchief, 1887 by Mary Cassatt
⚜️ Handkerchiefs Before disposable tissues came on the market, ladies and gentlemen used a good old-fashioned hankie for everything from blowing their nose, to wiping their tears, to signaling in distress (how romantic!). Considering all that is going on with the shortages in the world right now, it's a good idea to put hankies into use again.

Opale 18K gold freshwater pearl earrings from SKYE Jennifer20 for 20% off
⚜️ Jewelry Many women can get in the rut of wearing the same jewelry every day. If you have a jewelry piece you hardly ever use, cheer up your outfit by wearing it this month.
⚜️ Candlesticks Dining by candlelight always reminds me of Hyacinth Bucket and her "candlelight suppers". While most of Hyacinth's friends and family tried to escape her candlelight suppers, I would have loved to attend one :) Candlestick holders and candlesticks provide such a beautiful ambiance.
⚜️ Candle snuffer If you're going to blow out your candles, you might as well use your candle snuffer... if you have one.
⚜️ Sleepwear Elegant sleepwear can be enjoyed on a regular basis. We we become accustomed to wearing our presentable sleepwear each night, we help ourselves become more and more comfortable with looking presentable always. Check out my past sleepwear posts for inspiration.
⚜️ Perfume and cologne Perfume bottles seem to last forever... but they can also go off after a year or two. If yo love to wear perfume, wear your favorite on a regular basis and allow it to become your signature scent. I will be exploring perfume in a future post and I am excited to discuss it again with you. By the way, I have been exploring the scents from Pinrose (video to follow in the future), and I have never been more impressed with a perfume collection. Code JSCOTT gives free shipping.
⚜️ Your good crystal We don't own any fine crystal, but many of you in the comments mentioned that you do own crystal... and never use it! Madame Chic would use her crystal on a regular basis and it was so special to drink from.
I hope you enjoy today's video.
Thank you to The Chic Connoisseurs for bringing us today's video. The Chic Connoisseurs are one of the upper tiers in the memberships portion of my YouTube Channel.
A Better Life with KAT (Flylady Cleaning System)
A Sparkling Vintage Life
Andrena Patellis
Audrey Coyne
Bewitched Crafts
Bliss Peterson
Brenda Ramsey
Candace V
Catherine Huang
Chelsea Kochevar
Clare's Classroom
Denise Nuehring
Healthy with Luba
Helena O
Jane Goff
Jane Lynch
Janet Williams
Jennifer McDowell
Jessica Ortega-Mabry
Judy Moore
Kathleen T. Ruddy, MD
Leslie Ring
Loraine Tadman
Lori Skees
Mary Defee
Maria Gerlicz-Pogorzelska
Melinda Loustalot
Michele Kieffer
Michelle Henderer
Michelle the Italiagal
Monique Egelhoff
Natalie Schultz
Paula Ellis
Paula Johnson
Samantha Daniels
Sarah Vitsas
Scott Rea
Shannon Biddy
Shannon Kim
Sheila Hopfensperger
Stacy Fournier
Stacy Smith
This and That with Denise Jordan
Tiki Pié
Tracy Lopez
Wendy Cassara
Wendy Somerville
Yen Lee
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📍Join us for The Chic Assignment for June, 2020
This is a short, informational video on the life of Mary Cassatt that is set to her beautiful paintings. I hope it enriches your Chic Assignment this month.
📍Take my new eCourse, Carry Yourself with Poise. There are so many amazing ladies on this course, bonding and building friendships as we rally around elegant living. Tamara writes, "I absolutely adored this course! One of the best investments I have ever made in my life. Jennifer, I would like to thank you for taking the time to create a course that is enriching. I look forward future courses."
📍Become a member of The Daily Connoisseur through the MEMBERSHIPS feature. I do one livestream as well 3 episodes of my new Vodcast (a video podcast) per month. (Link must be accessed on a computer.) I often discuss more controversial and sensitive issues on memberships, that do not make it to YouTube and last month we had a great Zoom call with all of the participants.
📍Thank you for your wonderful support of my new book, CONNOISSEUR KIDS.
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Madame Chic in Poland...
Comment of the Week
Heidi G. writes, "Looking forward to learning in this month's chic assignment! I went to our local forest and picked elderberry flowers with my son to make a sweet elderberry flower - lemon syrup to use as a refreshing summer beverage for my family. The birds, the green trees and the cut logs ... it was good for the spirit to get away and enjoy the green and cool of the forest. Thank you once again for putting the assignments together for us. I really appreciate your efforts."
That sounds wonderful, Heidi. Elderberry flower lemon syrup sounds so delicious...
Thank you for joining us today. I would love to know which elegant things you own, but hardly ever use.
And before we close, I would just like to say that my response to the events of this past week have been addressed on my social media accounts. I am praying for peace and healing for our nation and I hope you are keeping safe and well. Thank you.
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