Welcome to The Chic Assignment Check-in for May! I am loving this month's assignments and have so much to discuss with you in today's video.
For the original May Chic Assignment, visit this link.
🎵 I am enjoying listening to the Satie Gymnopédies during the chaos of our kitchen renovation. They are truly counteracting the craziness and upheaval of our home life right now.
My two-year-old thought the pieces were "sad". Some find them depressing. Others find them to be remarkably beautiful.
Regarding The Satie Gymnopédies, Frenchcaligirl writes, "I recognized the musical piece immediately, especially the first part of it. Have heard it countless times, just never knew what it was called or who composed it. I agree that it’s not upbeat but don’t find it depressing either. The mood of it has an introspective quality to it."
I agree! They certainly have an introspective quality to them.
🖼 Renoir is one of my favorite artists and it was difficult to choose my favorite piece from him. I am very fond of the Young Girls at the Piano because it reminds me of my own daughters.

image from Wikipedia
Here are links to all of the prints from Art.com, if you'd like to have these in your own home.
Luncheon of the Boating Party print
Ball at the Moulin de la Galette print
Girls at the Piano print
Here is a link to The Ambleside podcast on how Atmosphere sets Affections
💍 Regarding jewelry, I share a story from the beginning of our marriage with Mr. Connoisseur. By the way, today is also our 13th wedding anniversary! Time has surely flown.
💅 I have been recording my manicures for you (see here) and I hope they are proving an inspiration for you to do your own at-home manicures. I find them to be great for not only saving money, but for a relaxing self-care routine too.
Regarding pedicures, here is the pedicure foot tool This is the best foot file I have ever used (and I have used a lot of them). It's only $8.99 on Amazon.
I purchased the Sam Edelman leopard sandal to add some interest to my summer footwear. Pedicure season truly is here!
Also mentioned/ featured in today's video:
📍The faux flowers in my background are from Horchow
📍 The Worshipful Lucia & Trouble for Lucia are the final two books we will be reading in the Mapp & Lucia book club, coming to you this summer.
📍The Daily Connoisseur blog has many talented readers. Here are two authors who have just published books. Both ladies are fans of The Daily Connoisseur and Madame Chic. Congratulations, Amanda and Jodie!
Amanda Dykes Whose Waves These Are
Jodie Alexander Frye Questions at the School Gate
📍Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.
On Instagram
Mademoiselle Chic in Japan...
Comment of the Week
PenelopesMom writes, "Hello Jennifer I recently came across your YouTube channel and am completely loving it! I am a stay at home mom to a fourteen month old daughter and have struggled to keep up my appearance. You are inspiring me! In the past two weeks I have been working on creating my ten item wardrobe and taking a few extra minutes a day to brush my hair, put on a little makeup and just look more presentable. It's actually not difficult at all and I am feeling so much better! I'm excited for my first Chic Assignment as well. I have already given myself a manicure and pedicure while the baby napped yesterday, and today I plan on wearing a beautiful statement necklace to a birthday party. Thank you so much for all you do, I am looking forward to reading and learning more!"
Welcome to the blog, PenelopesMom, and thank you for joining in on The Chic Assignment. Having your first baby is a wonderful time but it can also be challenging as you adapt to your new routine and life. I'm so happy you are finding refreshment here!
Thank you for joining us for The Chic Assignment check-in. I would love to hear from you. How is your assignment going this month? What are your findings? Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur!
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Have you listened to the podcast "A Delectable Education", it is all about the Charlotte Mason philosophy and is wonderful!
Jennifer, thank you so much for the kindness of sharing Whose Waves These Are! I'm so touched, and it's truly a gift to see it in your chic update video (a video I always look forward to each month!). We've been enjoying the Satie pieces this month. Have you seen this art packet from My Father's World? It's called "Enjoying Art Together," and what I love about it is that each piece that it comes with is printed on nice thick cardstock with a sheen to it (we mount whichever one we're talking about for the week on a hanging clipboard, but it could easily be framed for a nicer look), and that the questions invite close participation in the painting. I say "participation" because it's a thought-filled, enjoyment-focused approach, rather than a purely academic/examination-focused approach. We have one or two Renoirs (including the girls at the piano, which I love) from that packet, which have stayed up much longer than their designated week, just because I love seeing them around. ;) It's a great resource for the whole family! We have fallen behind in engaging with it though, and you've inspired me to pull it back out. Thank you! https://www.mfwbooks.com/item/01653/Enjoying-Art-Together/
Hi, Jennifer! I was listening to a podcast about anxiety with my husband last night. He's a counselor and I have a business helping families simplify at home, so this is a topic we both share a great interest in. The discussion included ways to take your body from the sympathetic state (fight or flight) to a more relaxed parasympathetic state. One of the ways was through listening to music with seventy beats per minute, such as classical music. In fact, studies show that your heart will beat in time with classical music! It's that fascinating?! It made me think of your classical music advocacy. :) Here is the podcast if you are interested.https://podtail.com/en/podcast/the-robcast/kristen-bell-on-anxiety-part-1/
Jennifer, thank you for making my comment the comment of the week! I am so enjoying this assignment. I did listen to the Gymnopédies through the link you provided, and like you said it ended up going off into other Satie works and I am really appreciating it. I listen while washing dishes and just leave it on in the background while playing with my daughter. I haven't yet looked at the Renoir paintings. However, my daughter and I like to watch Mr. Roger's Neighborhood on Amazon Prime while we eat lunch, and in one of the episodes he was discussing a Renoir painting! It was the Young Girl in Pink, painted in 1895. It is located at the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, which is where Mr. Rogers was filmed and he went to see it. I thought that was neat.
Really enjoying ticking off my monthly assignments. Many years ago our wonderful National gallery of Victoria in our state capital of Melbourne hosted a touring exhibition of the impressionist painters. My favorite was definitely the young girls playing piano. I had the privilege of being very close to and being able to take my time to appreciate how beautifully executed the work.The light ( in the picture) shone on the girls hair making it look like spun gold.
Could you please do the pronunciation video thing (great idea!) for Erik Satie too because that one is all wrong and I think many people will be saying it incorrectly now. :-)
Check-in time!
1. Gymnopedies - my SIL said that (30 years ago) this was the best thing that stopped their baby’s fussing! I like it while I'm working on my computer.
2. If I was going to hang one on my walls, I would choose "Roses and Jasmine in Delft Vase".
3. Wore my abalone choker to the grocery store and was given a compliment! Wore my delicate ruby pendant to the hospital to visit my mother. Would have worn my pearls to her funeral last weekend, but the string broke a month ago. Bonus: because of this assignment I identified 3 pendants that I could de-clutter. I will also get those pearls fixed!!
4. Did a lovely foot soak with tea-tree oil soaking salts. I don't wear polish or makeup so, (just in case you want this feedback), the manicure and makeup videos are my least favorite even though they are beautifully done. I tried the Londontown cuticle oil and nourishing nail creme, (wish I'd found the 2-in-1 first). And I tried the fortifying ridge filler as a final coat (as it says you can) but even though I want a "no-nail polish" look, I did want to create little finesse, which it did not give. Any suggestions for a chic “no-polish look”? A clear semi-gloss? I’ve also tried the buffing method, which is a great concept but my nails are so thin they actually curled from the heat generated from the sanding & buffing! I kid you not.
Tasha Tudor's Heirloom Crafts... shared the pictures with my mother in the hospital. Was the last book she ever looked at. She loved books and gardens, music and butterflies, and over her lifetime she enjoyed many useful crafts. Thank you for this book recommendation a couple months ago.
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