The children and I are preparing our Spring garden. Today we bought some herbs, vegetables, and flowers and enjoy spending the afternoon tending to our little patch of land.
I share an excerpt of Emily Dickinson's poem in the video... here is the remainder of the poem.
A light exists in Spring
by Emily Dickinson
A Light exists in Spring
Not present on the Year
At any other period —
When March is scarcely here
A Color stands abroad
On Solitary Fields
That Science cannot overtake
But Human Nature feels.
It waits upon the Lawn,
It shows the furthest Tree
Upon the furthest Slope you know
It almost speaks to you.
Then as Horizons step
Or Noons report away
Without the Formula of sound
It passes and we stay —
A quality of loss
Affecting our Content
As Trade had suddenly encroached
Upon a Sacrament.
I hope you enjoy today's video and that it brings you joy :)
📍Join me for the Mapp & Lucia book club's final installment, which will take place this summer. You can read my book club announcement here.
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📍 I shared my review of Teami Blend's Bloom Tea in Tuesday's YouTube video. This is a lovely tea with black tea leaves, dried rosebuds, dried roselle, dried blueberries and dried pineapple. It is mildly sweet from the fruit, totally natural and very light and delicious for spring. Use code JLS20 for 20% off.
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Comment of the Week
Shiryon writes, "I really am grateful for getting that "for special occasions only" mindset out of my life. Life is too short to not enjoy our nice things all the time. My grandmother died with brand new things wrapped in plastic, while only wearing worn out clothes daily, I guess it's that "depression era" mentality that that generation had. Thank you for another fun and inspiring video."
Thank you, Shiryon! It was a real shift when I got the "for special occasions only" mindset out of my life. I am so happy to hear your shift with this too!
Thank you for joining us for today's Clueless Gardeners episode. I hope you found it therapeutic as well. See you soon for The Chic Assignment for June!
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My mom loves taking me to tend the garden and shop for plants too! This post reminds me of her!
Looking good you guys! I still love my cuddlies my grand daughter still likes to hug my 63 year old teddy bear( yes that does sound old) and my that young man is a toddler no longer! It's winter here now we are planting potatoes,garlic,broad beans onions and coriander.Its hailing here I could almost feel the sunshine at your house!
I'm almost at a loss for words to describe the incredible joy and pleasure I received at the end of my own busy day watching you and your family digging deep into the delights of nature and family. I know it's hard work for you while I sit here in delight. You bless my world. Thank you.
The kids are beautiful! 💚
What a pleasure ... to see that we don't have to have a magazine-perfect garden, just plop things in where we please and have fun.
I do want to suggest: for lettuce, grow them from seed! They are easy and much cheaper and hardier if grown from seed.
I'm a somewhat clueless vegetable gardener also, and only have a small tub garden this year, with radishes, carrots and basil, all from seed. (Wish I'd planted lettuce - may need to wait now until the cooler weather in fall) The radishes grew fast. (hint - don't let the kids try the radishes until they are big and juicy, because the small ones are bitter and spicy. I made that mistake already.)
Loved seeing your girls play to the camera. Especially the stuffed animals all lined up for the camera! So cute.
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