The other day, I had a sobering incident with the laundry. You might be wondering, is it possible to have a sobering incident with laundry? Yes, it is. Especially if you have a capsule wardrobe.
I was in one of those "mom" moments. The children needed me for various things at the same time and I had about a dozen pressing items on my to-do list. I just needed to throw in a load of laundry so I wouldn't get behind.
I normally wash my clothes separately from my family's clothing. After all, you never know what could be lurking in their laundry, even if you've gone through it carefully.
On this day, however, I was in a rush, so I combined my clothes with my children's clothes. Half-way through the wash, I realized I used the "normal" cycle (I normally wash my clothes on cold on the delicate cycle). But that's not the worst of it. When I went to take my clothes out of the washer, I noticed a strange substance was covering my garments.
Watch today's video to find out what it was.
I was thankfully able to save my Draper James chambray dress, but it was a close call. I also show you how I care for my new Everlane dress in today's video. I hope you enjoy and take on my cautionary tale. Laundry is very important when you have a capsule wardrobe.
The earrings I'm wearing in today's video are by Rachelyn Jewelry. And here is a link to my favorite steamer.
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Comment of the Week
Joselle P. writes, "I have been reading parts of Connoisseur Kids with my 6 year old daughter and 4 year old son. Last night, without even asking her to, my daughter fed our dog, set the table (folded the napkins and everything) and set our glasses of water for everyone. Wow!!! I was just blown away. Reading your book in small chunks is so much more effective than me exasperatedly begging for help. Total life changer. Thank you, Jennifer!!"
Joselle, I am thrilled to hear about the positive impact Connoisseur Kids is having on your family. Wonderful! Please tell your children that the author is very happy! :)
Thank you for joining me today. Be sure to come back to the blog tomorrow for an interview with my writing mentor, Alan Watt. This will be a motivating video for anyone who has ever wanted to complete a major project. See you then!
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Hi Jennifer, I so enjoy your videos. You keep me company while I work on my own household tasks. You mentioned near the end of your video that you have a small oil stain on your Everlane dress. I wanted to pass on to you that I have had good luck removing oil stains from my clothing by treating it a small amount of blue Dawn dish soap before I wash it. I hope this helps you.
I love this story. You always seem so put together and on top of things and just super-humanely-wonderful as a mom and as a homemaker :). That's great and inspiring!! But... I love such stories because they're so relatable and they remind me we all have to cut ourselves some slack. Learn from our mistakes, move on, accept that we're not perfect, any of us.
And yeahhhh I'm sometimes not extra careful with washing my clothes and accidents do happen. Velcros, am I right??!
I try to be more careful of course with more pricy, delicate things. Thankfully I wash most of my things by hand if they're designer clothes or delicate.
Some laundry pods also become a weird gelatinous goo because they don't dissolve properly. Worse, if you don't notice, they turn into hard plasticky deposits in the dryer, ruining clothes. I've gone back to liquid detergent.
Argh, horror story. You did well to rescue it, though, even though the first wash didn't end up being the time-saver wash you initially thought it was. The exact opposite in fact. Just one little bit of feedback: I found the visual announcement about the earrings you were wearing to be really distracting/odd as you were going into the tense part of the story. I think that sort of promotion would be better suited listed in the post rather than on screen if it's not related to what you're talking about and if it's not announced as an jewellery-sponsored post.
This was really interesting, because you've taught me so many things about Laundry 101 and I adhere to them: Using a drying rack for most of my laundry, turning your denim (and other items) inside out, drying them outside in the fresh air on the rack or hangers, using The Laundress stain remover (this works phenomenally well and may help you with those salad oil spots on your pretty Everlane dress). I use Dreft laundry soap liquid for HE washers and Mrs. Meyers dryer sheets (honeysuckle) to launder my clothes and prefer to wash my items separately. I use The Laundress Wool & Cashmere Shampoo for my cashmere sweaters and scarves. I love the steamer you recommended a few years ago and it seems to get out most wrinkles. When I iron, I do love, love, love The Laundress ironing spray, Stiffen Up, which has the most amazing fragrance, like a French laundry. Similarly, I bought, for travel, which I don't use often, but simply love the smell, is The Laundress Wash & Stain Bar, just in case. Since I don't have children, I didn't know about the horrors of pull-ups, LOL, yet I'm so happy your Draper James dress made it through. Also, your little baby smiling with the blue marker on his sweet cheek and lip was such a wonderful ending to this video and how fitting that he had his own little mixup with a stain on his face that a little soap will clean right up. Love all your videos. They always bring learning and a smile.
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