Hello my daily connoisseurs, in today’s video I’m going to share with you the fourth biggest enemy to home makers. Can you guess what it is?
I like to explore the world of homemaking because our jobs as homemakers are complex, satisfying, and important, but also deeply fraught with enemies. It's a good practice to call the enemies out so we are better able to move on with our tasks at hand.
Let's discuss the fourth biggest enemy to homemaking.

Yes, that’s right, comparison. The act or instance of comparing.
We have all heard the expression: comparison is the thief of joy. Well, a truer statement could not be uttered. And in today’s modern social media age, comparison is easier now more than ever.
If you call yourself a homemaker, then I’m guessing you have a place to live… a house, an apartment, a townhome, a place where you dwell. Let’s pause right there. If that is the case, and we have a roof over our heads, food on our tables, and a bed to sleep in at night. We should rejoice with gratefulness.
But instead, what do we do? We hop on Instagram and instantly feel pangs of jealousy that so-and-so’s home looks so amazing. Look at that sofa, that rug. Those houseplants. That person has better dishes than you. That person just wallpapered. That person has a swimming pool, That person just redid her master bathroom.
We start to look at what other people have… and it all looks so perfect. When we look at our own things… they can start to look shabby. Outdated. Awful.
Yes, our joy is being stolen every time we look at what someone else has and wish that we had it ourselves. We must not compare our homes to others. Some people have larger budgets than we do. Either that or they are going deeply into debt to live in such a beautiful space. You never know the true story behind the glossy Instagram picture. We must be content with what we have and budget responsibly for upgrades in the future.

I understand this struggle just as much as you do. I compare my home all the time. How do you think I’m able to write this? We were blessed to be able to renovate our kitchen this past year and guess what I’m longing to do now… the bathrooms. All of them! One thing I have learned about decorating and upgrades is, you are never satisfied. So let’s cease all comparisons and just be joyful and grateful for what we currently have. Let us make our homemaking a tribute and an act of gratitude for our homes. And when we finally get to do the upgrade, we will appreciate it so much more.
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Lessons from Madame Chic in Vietnam
Featured in today's video: My headband
My necklace
My dress (similar)
My apron
I'm cleaning with e-cloth (clean with water)
Comment of the Week
Miss Fizz writes, I feel like a touch of class has just been added to my life that I never had, since finding your channel a couple weeks ago. So many beneficial changes for myself and home have taken place with your elegant influence. Closet cleaned out, (more) clutter cleared, apron wanting to be purchased ;), teas being sipped on (lol), classical music in the home, and most importantly the complete ownership of being a homeschool mom, stay home manager/homemaker and wife. The Lord's led me to this channel to help stir the classy woman that's been hidden under sweats, pjs workout attire, unkempt hair and dark under eye circles for almost 5 years and brought about the one that matches the joyful life I live in the Spirit. Prayers to you and your family and may God continue to bless you in your work of guiding others.
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Thank you for the timely encouragement (and challenge). Each season, the new decorating blogs, magazines, etc.... roll out the "new and improved" look. Counting my blessings, daily, is my best defense. Also, keeping in mind that alot of the "new look" is just a marketing ploy by the major design/furniture/trend setters of the world. It's their job, so I'm not hating on them, but if I remember it's a sales pitch, it's easier to shrug the pressure of keeping current off of my to-do list.
Thank you so much for this reminder. I have taken a 6 month break from Facebook and noticed how much happier and calmer I feel during the six months. I don't feel like I'm missing out on things or that everyone has it together better than myself. Occasionally I'll take a peek on Facebook but I now know when I have been on too long because I become ungrateful.
When I start feeling ungrateful, I start singing "Count Your Blessings" and it turns my attitude back in the right direction.
I truly enjoy your blog and Youtube channel! You are a blessing!
Dear Sharon and Katie,
Thank you for your introspective comments. I appreciate you watching!
With love,
Jennifer, I appreciate this having just completed an expensive trifecta of house maintenance projects this year, none of which, alas, are aesthetic. (new roof, HVAC - which was unexpected - and replaced polybutelene plumbing). I have thought several times about how much money is going into these upgrades and how they are invisible. A buyer coming in to this house would still see an outdated original kitchen, bathrooms, worn original carpet, not to mention replastered areas where holes were cut for the pipe replacement needing sanding, priming and painting. But, as I have ruefully regarded these needed upgrades and their expense, I have also called these "first world problems." I have so much when so many have so little. Thank you for your encouragement in the skill and art of homemaking and attitude adjustment! Your videos along this line are so serene and I always enjoy hearing your laugh.
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