As part of The Chic Assignment for October, we are taking notice of our sleepwear. Aiming to be presentable with our sleepwear is not just a superficial aspiration. When we are presentable in our own homes, when no one is looking, we are continuing our authentic quest to look presentable always and to dress for respect.
In today's video, I'm sharing why wearing presentable sleepwear is important and sharing the various styles available. There is inspiration here for everyone. Let's take a look at a few styles featured in the video...

An essentail component to presentable sleepwear is a robe or dressing gown. These not only function to keep us warm, but they can also cover up more revealing nightgowns and are perfect to throw on at the last minute or to just putter around the house. I'm wearing Plush Necessities spa robe and slippers in today's video.

For those of you who get really hot at night and don't like to wear pajamas, chemises are a great option. They are very lightweight and feel as though you aren't wearing anything at all. I love the bust support chemise from Montelle Intimates because of its thick fabric, high quality, and feminine details. Another great resource is Lusomé, which has a line of sleepwear that has breathable, moisture wicking sleepwear to benefit those who get hot at night.
One of my favorite nightgowns to sleep in are My Victorian nightgowns. I love how billowy and comfortable they are and also their nostalgic nod to the past. I am also listing a long-sleeve version here. Visit my Amazon store for even more Victorian sleepwear options.

Another high-quality sleepwear brand I love is, Natori. This set I have is a few years old, but the quality is there and it still looks great. You can see Natori sleepwear here, robes and wraps, and gowns here.
As we move into exploring winter sleepwear, I love this plaid sleep shirt to stay cozy in. This is a few years old, so I am also listing a similar one here as well as a longer plaid night shirt. I'm wearing this with leggings and the shearling slippers from Lands' End.
A Pajama set is an essential for presentable sleepwear. Whether you like wild prints, or more subdued sets like this black set with white trim (linking similar), a nice pajama set is a presentable option and great to wear, especially if you are a guest in someone's home.

This cozy flannel sleep shirt is from Nordstrom sleepwear and is another cozy, yet casual and presentable option for winter weather. You can see more Nordstrom sleep shirts here.
For those of you who are looking for more budget sleepwear options, check out your local thrift store, or Walmart's sleepwear selections. Also worth checking out are the pajama sets at Target as well as sleep shirts at Target.
I hope you enjoy today's video.
📍Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic is now available in Vietnam from Bloom Books.
📍Yesterday, only on YouTube, I shared a video called, The One Thing I Must Do with My Children.
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📍Join us for the monthly Chic Assignment. For October we are enjoying Schubert, Edgar Allan Poe, presentable sleepwear, and enjoying our best every day.
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Here's another view of Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic in Vietnam...
Comment of the Week
Elizabeth R. writes, "I’m a 17 year old student which is definitely not your target demographic yet I love your videos!! 💗💗 I’ve been watching you for 5 years, thanks for inspiring me always."
Elizabeth, your comment was wonderful for me to read. I love that this blog reaches both young and old and everywhere in between. What a truly beautiful community of women! Thank you for watching.
I would love to know what your favorite type of presentable sleepwear is. Please let me know in the comments below and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur. Have a wonderful weekend!
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FTC: This post is not sponsored. Links in the post may be affiliate. The Plus Necessities robe and slippers and the Montelle Intimates chemise were gifted. All opinions are my own.
Jennifer, I think your selection for nightwear is perfect. I wrote to you recently about the lack of nice pajamas and nightgowns and you certainly gave me a few ideas. For myself, I wear nightgowns in the summer, preferring Eileen West gowns. They are 100% cotton and don't wrinkle! I love the way they look out on my clothesline and you're right about the billow-ness. Romantic and feminine. In New England, we FREEZE in winter so only pajamas will work for me. I often wear warm cardigans over my pj's and try to match colors. I find flannel pajama pants and a nice-looking long sleeve t-shirt work in coordinating colors. But I like something more stylized for the holidays such as traditional men's-style but with a little lace on the cuffs and pant hem. Josie Natori has not been a good choice for me over the last few years as the fabrics now seem to pill quickly which mars their appearance. But they do have the best styles. In spring, I love color - and wear long nightgowns or chemises. EBay is the best place to look for fanciful, bright vintage gowns - the 1960's seem to be the heyday for pretty gowns. However, they are nylon which is suffocating in summer so vintage for me is a springtime-choice only. In winter I love my fleece lined slippers but for night I wear boiled wool slippers which are warm and more stylish. Well, I think I about covered nightwear, don't you? Donna
Hi Jennifer,
A few years back, I discovered Simply Vera by Vera Wang sleepwear at Kohl's and I have been sleeping in her sleepwear ever since. It is super soft and light - perfect for the Southern CA weather. Probably not super high quality that will last decades but I have pieces that have lasted a number of years.
Hi Jennifer,
I really enjoyed seeing your selection of sleepwear and now have a few more ideas to fill out my own sleep wardrobe. My next item will be a soft, plush robe to stay warm in the winter! Right now, I have some beautiful lingerie (a lacy romper and a chemise) from Victoria’s Secret, a very soft and light sleep set from Soma that includes a floral short sleeve top and matching capris, as well as a fun button down pair of pajamas that is Halloween themed (my newest edition)! For winter, I have a pair of heavy button down pajamas from Soma that are white with pale pink piping. I tend to get quite hot while I sleep, especially in the summer, so I also have a few sleep sets that include shorts with matching tank tops from Target.
I grew up watching my mother wear pajamas for bed and robes for walking around the house in the morning and once I got older I wanted to start doing that, too. So, I left behind the mismatched sweatpants and ratty tee shirts and haven’t looked back. Getting dressed into my pajamas at night has become a part of my bedtime routine and it helps to signal to my brain that I’m now transitioning into sleep!
I have been hoping for a video on sleepwear! Thank you, it was so great!
I like Victorian nighties for spring, chemises for summer, and flannel pants and matching T-shirts (with some spandex in them for shape) for fall and winter. I also have four different robes for each season, but they are short robes. Now that I have kids I am considering switching to longer robes, because I’m up at the crack of dawn and it’s cold! Also for more coverage. I loved all of the different examples that you have provided and would love another sleepwear video! With sleepwear, I find it too easy to fall into comfortable but not presentable habits, so the extra inspiration is definitely needed!
Dear Jennifer my darling grandchildren went shopping with their dad, and knowing I feel the cold,purchased me very high quality flannette pyjamas. I am sure they will last for many many years so I will be a really really little old lady wearing my dog patterned and loveheart patterns chosen by small children.So much for cultivating elegance 😂😂😂😂
Yay! Thank you so much for all these ideas for sleepwear! I especially love your choices in your Amazon store. I have several chemises from Eberjey for summer sleepwear, but have really been at a loss trying to find attractive sleepwear for the colder weather. I like pajamas in theory, but as I am short, and they do not seem to make sleepwear in Petites, they always seem to be cut way too long in the arms, legs and torso. I'm thinking that sleepshirts will have to be the way to go. Thank you again for all this information!
I like the combination of warmth and elegance provided by a flannel nightgown/nightshirt over flannel pyjama trousers. No worrying about cold gaps!
One day when my sewing skills improve I shall take to making myself Victorian nightdresses out of fun flannelette prints (dinosaurs! rocketships! alphabets!). Pastels are charming but they don't suit my colouring.
Thank you for this month’s chic assignment and challenge to make sure our sleepwear is in order. Much needed and I found something that feels cozy enough for evenings at home without stifling me while I sleep. Thank you for the enjoyable video. Assignment completed for fall/winter. I might need a refresher for the spring/summer!
I love all of your sleepwear. I live in Northern California where nights are getting cool. I often wear leggings with a flannel plaid nightshirt much like yours or a black tee with a Barefoot Dreams long cardi. I get too hot to sleep in the leggings. I recently bought a nightshirt on sale from The Sleep Shirt company which is somewhat Victorian looking. It’s very high quality cotton and is expected to last for years. I also got a nice striped knit sleep shirt from Recliner that is comfortable & presentable along with a short black sleep shirt. Love your chemises and would like to get one of those.
Hi Jennifer,
I love everything that you post as it is so relevant to my life as a wife, mother, employee and business owner.
I recently finished reading the book "I know how she does it" by Laura Vanderkam. She talks about women who appear to "have it all." I would place you in that category. Laura specifically focuses on time management and how women get really creative with child care, work balance, and carving out time for personal care. I'd love it if you would do a video on how you appear to "do it all." Who watches your kids while you make your videos? Do you have an assistant who edits your videos? Do you occasionally hire someone to clean your home? How much do your kids or husband help with your homemaking tasks? How do you have enough time for writing/editing a book, creating fresh and beautiful content each week, homeschooling your kids, keeping your house clean, and having meals ready for your family?
Laura Vanderkam provides time logs so anyone can track their time and really look at where they are spending their time, how to improve, or where to cut back on things. I would love to see what your time log looks like. Mine is VERY lacking in exercise and something I'll be working to improve.
Would love to hear your thoughts and tips on this.
Thank you,
I have a presentable pair of both summer and winter pajamas, and a nice bathrobe that is long-sleeved but not heavy. I also have a pair of flannel pants and a couple of sleep shirts for alternating. With just a few pieces that didn't cost much I feel presentable around my four boys. I love the look of nightgowns but they end up tangling around my waist during the night and waking me up. When I was a girl my mom always gave us new sleepwear for Christmas, and I remember my love of flannel nightgowns. I pretended I was Mary Ingalls. 😊
Thank you for this video, I have always been a fan of pajamas and nightgowns that are presentable. Do you have any suggestions for sleeping bras or lounge bras or do you just wear your daytime bra when you change to your nightclothes? If this is too personal, no worries, just wondering.
Thanks for all you do and share with this community!
Jennifer - thank you so much. I'm in process of losing a lot of kgs. I let my appearance and body go completely over a number of years and I've been on a mission to reverse all the damage. My journey is slow and steady. I've lost 16kg so far (another 11kg to go) and I feel anxiety whenever I go to the store to even look at clothes, however this is PERFECT! Sleepwear is a gentle, easy in between for me to slip into the world of starting to look more presentable. This is a task I can manage. I can't believe I didn't think of it before. Thank you for all your beautiful insights.
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