One of The Chic Assignments for April is to get dressed up for no reason. By dressed up, I mean dressed in clothes appropriate for the occasion. You may have a pretty spring dress that you're saving for a special occasion. Or maybe you have a nice pair of white slacks you'd like to wear, but you're afraid you're going to get them dirty. We love to buy beautiful things, but tend to not use them for fear of ruining them. So we save them for later.
In Lessons from Madame Chic, I have a chapter called, Always Use the Best Things You Have. This doesn't just apply to dishes, but to dressing as well. It may seem awkward and uncomfortable at first if you're used to dressing casually every day (yoga or sweat pants, or even the jeans and tee shirt uniform), but eventually you will break away from that form of dressing and be more comfortable dressing up. I went through this transformation. It didn't happen overnight, but gradually. This video is for any lady out there who is feeling in a rut with her dressing and wants to start wearing her nicer items on a regular basis. I hope you enjoy today's video.
📍 I am extending the sale on my eCourse, How to be Efficient at Home, through the weekend. The course has wonderful feedback.
Elizabeth P. writes, "Thank you for your wonderful course, Jennifer! I enjoyed it tremendously, and I'm already putting some efficient tools into practice! I think scheduling will be very effective and joyful - using pretty planners and nice pens! Waking up early has been a big stress-relief for me, as I feel like I have some time to myself every day."
Thank you, Elizabeth! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the course!
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Madame Chic in good company...
Comment of the Week
SR K writes, "Jennifer - I wanted to share with you how much I appreciate this series! Your chic assignment resulted in my soon to be five year old experiencing his first concert! I listened to the link of Stephan Hauser’s Ave Maria on cello (stunning!), which led me to discover his musical partnership of 2 Cellos (also amazing!) While visiting my parents for a family event I discovered that 2 Cellos was in concert the one night we were in town. (What are the chances?) My son has become enamored with Hauser/2 Cellos so my husband and I purchased tickets last minute and took our son for his first concert experience! Incorporating the arts has brought such joy to our lives - thank you! ❤️"
Thank you to you and your son! I love Hauser's music and also enjoy him in 2Cellos. I'm thrilled your son is interested in Classical Music because of The Chic Assignment! Wonderful!
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend. Happy Easter and I'll see you on Monday!
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FTC: This post is not sponsored. Some links are affiliate. The products featured today have been sent to me for my honest review.
I've been following your blog and channel since the beginning when you were still blogging your first book online. Your blog and your channel are fresh, cold water in the arid desert of the internet. Wholesome; dare I say virtuous? Thank you for the time and effort that goes into the blog and YouTube channel. And, I'm loving this new video set look. Beautiful. May I ask what is the brand of teacup featured in today's video?
I so agree with you on being more efficient and feeling better when you dress better. For me I really notice a difference when I dress for work and go into the office versus working from home and wearing yoga pants or sweats. I feel better even if I'm working in my home office but wearing something nice. I too have those beautiful tops that I don't wear because I don't have anywhere to wear them. I feel like as I get older I notice how casual society has gotten and it is nice when you see people who are not wearing their pajamas to the grocery store! Your posts are encouraging!
I second Deborah’s comment! I’ve been with you for quite some time too (since 2010) and continue to find your messages and brand incredibly refreshing. Thank you for being a constant companion and source of inspiration, Jennifer. ❤️ You are amazing.
Hi Jennifer I also second the support in this “make it worthy” campaign for life! It has been my motto for all my choices and decision-making for a number of years. As I’ve been through some tough years of moving frequently within Sydney to create a better quality life for my boys and I as a single mum on limited income holding fast to my entitlement to be present actually in the home raising my children as you have equally chosen, I have learned to run a tight ship with all decisions on how to spend each dollar based on what’s “best value”, the biggest bang for our hard earned bucks, what brings us joy and happinesses and comes into our home welcomed with loving arms. There is no room for kind a like it or yes/no/maybe. It’s gotta be love or lust to be worthy! This means everything. Most food we buy is price driven and my cooking is extremely creative. I’m also queen of left overs and try agains or as the Germans say komme vittas come around agains....and again..waste not want not. With regards to clothes I often choose a style icon or look as my guide for the season. In fact, I think I discovered you when you began as I went through a long French Girl (FG) look. Not Breton and beret, but the way she would dress, the colour palettes and choices she would make. I will look at jeans day and ask how would an FG do it.? My icons have been the Australian designer Collette Dinnigan, wonderful dresses so pricey but I get the look for a lot less often from op shops. Most dresses and items there especially if silk are hardly worn as the owner saved them for best. I just yesterday bought a few silk dresses all under $10. My op shops in Adelaide my home town I’ve returned to for beautiful beaches and affordability and clean air, are beautifully merchandised and organised. Even vintage pillowcases and tablecloths all laundered and bundled in sets held together with ribbon for a few dollars. My treasure trove heaven. Another style icon has been Kate Moss, also the classic ladies Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn and the icons of the 60s Twiggy, Marianne Faithful, Mary Quant, Jackie O....when I consider a look or a purchase I ponder ...mmmmm...would Audrey/Grace/Mary whomever the lady of the season happens to be, wear that? Yes. Would she buy it? Yes, if on a budget. Well then, what are you waiting for! It’s worthy, it’s affordable, it makes you feel amazing so gorgeous at least 8/10 then you must have it! Anything that evokes frumpy, mumsy, dowdy, sad, depressed, broke, I want to hide under the bed in this...bye bye. Into charity bag and off to another home that will love you. On my worst days, it’s never the tracky dacks or I may as well take the Valium with earl grey. It’s thevexrra gorgeous dress, extra mascara and even nails and blow dry . If anyone asks where are you off to? I say not allowed to tell or I may end uo in deep trouble with a good strong wink!
I enjoyed dressing up for work - until my company was bought and we switched to casual wear everyday. I knew that continuing to wear my "work" clothes would signal that I was part of the "old guard" and not acclimating to the new culture (which is definitely a no-no as they are looking to eradicate everything about the old company). So, lately, it's been nothing but jeans as I begin my search for more casual dresses, etc.
I wear my nice clothes, and, in fact, have no other choice; I've gotten rid of anything that could be considered "grubby clothes". I like to wear my good things because I harbor no illusions about being immortal. I've "death cleaned" after relatives who have had nice clothes that they never wore. What were they saving them for? A special occasion that never came? Any day that you are alive is a special occasion!
I see women in the shops, buying beautiful outfits. But all I ever see them actually wearing are jeans or yoga pants. What do they DO with those beautiful outfits? Open their closets and admire them? Eventually, they must either find that these outfits no longer fit, or they realize that they will never wear them, because they end up in consignment shops, sometimes with their original tags still on them. And I buy them. And actually wear them. And am grateful that I can buy really quality clothes cheaply instead of paying retail.
Dear Jennifer,
I wish you and your family, as well as all the readers, a very HAPPY EASTER!
Many greetings from Germany,
I watched the American Style TV series. Did you know that uber casual dressing for everything coincided with the emergence of grunge music? Whoa. That says it all.
Dear Jennifer,
I want to thank you for this video and tell you what it meant to me today. My husband is struggling with a very serious illness, and I am so worried about him. I am not sleeping well, and I woke up this morning feeling as if I had been run over by a truck. I was quite tempted to stay in my pajamas with unwashed hair, but I watched your video, and I agreed, "Jennifer is right. If I take a shower, get dressed and put on my makeup, I will feel better. I certainly won't feel worse." So, that's what I did, and I am glad I did. I think my husband was surprised to see me looking so presentable because he knew I'd been awake during the night. Showering and getting dressed helped me to move on with the business of the day which was to decorate the house for Easter, cook, and help my daughter color Easter eggs. I am sharing this anecdote because I want my "sister connoisseurs" to know that these tips and tools can be more important than you ever thought. When the going gets rough in life, having these tools in your "toolbox" will come in handy.
Thanks again,
I always feel more energised when I dress well. To Gigi, could you wear pearl ear-rings with your jeans? A little cropped cardigan? Le no make-up look would also work.
I have worn a skirt or dress since April 2nd. My goal now is to try and wear more often the dresses I associate with being "nicer". It is odd to me to look pretty and do housework.
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