In today's Chic Assignment Check-in you will laugh, you will cry, and you will (hopefully) feel inspired to carry through with the rest of the month!
Be sure to visit the original Chic Assignment for April to familiarize yourself with the assignments if you don't already know what they are.
In today's video we discuss the synchronicity of this month's assignments. Have you seen this video?
Ave Maria Dad goes viral
Also, did you know that this is National Poetry Month? (I didn't plan that one.)
I do give you an almost literal reenactment of me reading about Shelley's life. Grab the popcorn!
We also discuss what happened the one time I changed into "exercise sweats", which brings to mind this meme I posted on my Instagram last week:
And we discuss the importance of intentional rest.
Also mentioned/ featured in the video:
My pearl necklace is by Ana Luisa Jewelry
(Use code Jennifer10 for $10 off)
The best Ave Maria album
My poem, Surroundings, set to film
A poem by Jennifer L. Scott
We want them to comfort us.
On a hard, long day
In the trenches of daily life
We look to our surroundings to bring us cheer.
It isn’t always so.
Sometimes our surroundings
Are the cause of our despair.
Other people have a way
Of orchestrating that.
But amidst every mess,
And every day that seems impossible to surmount,
Is the breakthrough of gratitude
For our surroundings-
Whatever state they are in.
One can always find loveliness, if one truly looks
And today that is what I found.
Thank you to everyone who has taken my new eCourse, How to be Efficient at Home. These are the last few days to get the course at only $5. The price will go up later this week. I do this to cover the costs that Teachable charge me to host the courses. You are able to access the courses at any time and as many times as you like.
Oxana writes, "Dear Jennifer, I am very grateful to you for this course! It points out the main pillars of home efficiency. I am definitely determined now to work on the points that haven't become my habits yet. You have inspired me a lot!
By the way I live in Moscow, Russia. We have long winters here (November - March) with very little sun. It always affects me with the lack of joy and energy. But this winter I had an additional source of light, energy and joy: your books, videos and now this course! Thank you so much for doing all this for us! I've never thought of home chores as of something that could bring joy, I've always viewed them as my obligation as a housewife and the mother of 3. I used to look for joy outside my home: cultural events, vacations, shopping. Now I am learning to find joy in everything I do AT home and I love it! You've changed my mindset!
In one of your books you mentioned that you would like to be the Madame Chic for your family. You ARE already! Please continue being such an inspiration, encouragement and a good example of always presentable, smart and positive woman, wife and mother.
All the best and many blessings to you and your wonderful family!"
Oxana, thank you for your wonderful testimonial. I am so happy that the course has inspired you. It's so fun for me to connect with readers from all around the world!
On Instagram
Madame Chic in Poland...
Comment of the Week
Barbara writes, "So today I dressed up for no reason. Since it's still very cool here in Toronto, Canada I wore a warm dress with tights and a pearl necklace to work. I work at a large University campus and one of my colleagues noticed. She said "I like that dress. It's very pretty!" Made me feel good. Thanks for this assignment Jennifer! I may repeat it again next week :)"
Barbara, thank you for checking in. I loved hearing your Chic Assignment findings!
I would love to read about your findings with this month's Chic Assignment. Leave your comment down below and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.
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Jennifer, Your poem and the video are beautiful! Thank you for sharing this wisdom and encouragement with us. I've kept an excerpt from Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh posted on my refrigerator for years and when I remember to ponder her words, I find my attitude lifted. I thought you might appreciate her take on daily life also.
Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries,
Good stuff!
Peace and joy.
I love your videos, always. Thank you. Regarding gratitude and contentment: my kitchen is flying at "half mast" and needs a major update, but not now. All I have is all I need. Be well and have a wonderful week!
Talk about perfect timing...after having been in a funk all weekend over a house project that got unexpectedly taken off the drawing board (and, to be honest, the darn rain), I needed to be reminded to be grateful for what we have.
Bravo Jennifer and Nicki, so well done.
Hi Jennifer,
Checking in!
1. Music - This is from last month, but I just have to tell you... I recently learned the simple piano version of Chopin's "Nocturne in Eb major". Our 2 rambunctious grand-girls (ages 3 & 5) wanted me to play for them which I have never done. As I played they were swaying, trying to find the slow movement to it. But as I progressed to the trill and the romantic end, the girls had become silent and still. I finished, turned to look at them, and they were absolutely mesmerized, eyes wide, almost holding their breath waiting for that final note. I was stunned! No doubt they've never heard live classical music before. Thank you Jennifer, it's because of these assignments that I'm even playing the piano again.
2. Poetry - I confess I have a hard time finding poetry that I’m willing to take the time to meditate on. But occasionally I do find a simple poem that speaks to me, and yours is one of those rarities. Thank you, Jennifer. You are a true poet at heart. (I deleted a long paragraph here! lol)
3. Dress up – At first it was merely escaping from faded, limp clothes: I wore a dark blue skirt and deep purple tee, and I felt like royalty just walking around my house like that! It was uplifting and addicting. For this assignment I upped it a notch: chose a nicer blouse, but unfortunately the soft ruffled 3/4 sleeves weren't a good fit in the kitchen. I will choose differently next time. But I do like to dress well every day, even though I don’t dress UP very often.
4. Rest - Not so much in need of rest to help with mental stress, but I need actual physical rest because I'm not young and never have been robust. But I keep plodding along when it would serve me well to just stop and physically rest. So, several times I lay down and just closed my eyes for a few minutes. It was amazing how refreshing it was, and I could do so much more afterwards, and with a lighter heart! I intend to make that a regularity. Again, thank you!
Books: Reading Lynn Austin's historical fiction series of King Hezekiah - they are SO good!
I just watched your Notre Dame video. Thank you so much for sharing your memories and feelings. I needed someone to cry with. Every time I’ve been to Paris, I’ve stayed close to Notre Dame and felt like it was a kind of touchstone. I could navigate to and from by looking for her and spent lots of time around the cathedral. I have very special memories of climbing up to see the big bell and the view from the top and of listening to a women’s choir singing (practicing for mass perhaps) inside. It’s so heartbreaking to know she’ll never be the same, even though they’re planning to rebuild. Of course, as you said, the world isn’t the same either.
In response to an earlier video about stress:
A mantra that has helped me through the ups and downs of daily life is "Don't turn a blessing into a burden." Those few words have often saved me from falling into a "woe is me" frame of mind and allows me to control my daily life rather than letting daily events control my well-being.
Ladies, thank you so much for checking in and for commenting and participating in this assignment. I have been so moved and saddened by Notre Dame. And it's amazing that our song for this month was Ave Maria. I am still astonished.
Each of your comments have truly blessed me. Thank you so much!
Hello Jennifer,
About the April Chic Assignment...
I have been listening to a classical music station early afternoons. Then classical music at dinnertime with my husband. It has been so delightful, refreshing and joyful.
Reading Jane Austen's Sense and Sensiblity.
As for dressing up, being retired in Southern California, it can be easy to fall into the trap of very casual dressing: yoga pant/T-shirt or my Tai Chi uniform.
Today, I dressed up--wide leg pants, button down tied at waist, hoop earning and red lipstick. I feel energetic, happy and beautiful.
With gratitude!
Inspired by the March Chic Assignment my husband and I dressed up and visited a Monet Exhibit in San Francisco. Within 15 minutes of our arrival a man offered to buy my husbands sports coat! I think it was his way of giving a compliment. You are right. People notice when we dress appropriately and well.
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