I hope you had a lovely Easter! We had a great weekend and it was so fun to celebrate with the baby for his first Easter. I made a carrot cake from scratch that didn't quite turn out as planned. It overflowed in the oven and by the time I cut it down to size it was lopsided. Even though it wasn't the prettiest cake, it sure did taste good.
Anyhow, this post isn't about carrot cake, it's about extras! I frequently get asked how many extras I have in my ten-item wardrobe. Either that or people ask me to tell them how many they should have. This will truly be different for everyone.
Please watch today's videoto hear my response. I hope my insights will help you along your ten-item wardrobe journey. Thank you for watching .
📍 This weekend our YouTube channel hit 50,000 subscribers. I can't believe it! I am so grateful to each and every one of you who subscribes. I put so much work into my channel and I hope that my content reflects that. Thank you, thank you! If you would like to subscribe to the channel (it's free!) click the red subscribe button, then hit the "bell" to be notified by email when I upload a video. I sometimes put videos on my channel that do not appear here on the blog, so it's nice to be notified.
📍Check out my eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.
📍ANNOUNCEMENT: We will be continuing the final installment of the Mapp and Lucia book club, finishing with the final two books in the series: The Worshipful Lucia & Trouble for Lucia. I will also formally announce this on video, but I wanted you to get a head start with reading. We will most likely discuss these books at the beginning of July.
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Madame Chic and sparkles in Japan...
Comments of the Week
Last week's post on Dressing Up for No Reason struck a chord! There were so many amazing comments. Here are two of them:
Kristen writes, "Jennifer, I was that woman! Then I read all your Madame Chic books and they helped me change how I viewed my wardrobe. They did exactly what you said, helped me be feminine and chic but in a way perfectly suited to me. All in ten items! ❤️
I do get comments often about where I’m going dressed up - but I’m getting used to them. It is an awkward phase!
And I also have found it’s made me more productive overall - it’s amazing how what you wear speaks in such a powerful way to the rest of your life. Not even just to others but to yourself! So glad you shared your lessons from Madame chic!"
Paula writes, "You are beautifying the world, several ladies at a time, Jennifer! I agree with you that one is much more productive when dressed nicely for the day. I have found it interesting that so many women go shopping for clothes, but while they are shopping they often are not dressed so nicely. I like some of the replies your listeners have ready for those who ask why they are dressed up. We are an older couple and we are very frequently, especially my husband who wears a suit and tie to weddings and funerals, complimented on how "regal" we look. Our granddaughter told us recently that her friends comment on how striking and "presidential' we look. We do not dress much differently from what we did over 50 years ago when we were single! I recall when folks dressed up to fly. It is so energizing to see a woman or man who is dressed well. While I was on jury duty a while back, after the first day, I decided to dress up more. We had to walk in front of observers in the court and we were in a position of judging someone, so I felt we needed to respect our "job." It was so fun to notice that others, men and women, began to dress up more for the remainder of the trial. Keep on raising the bar, dear Jennifer."
Kristen and Paula, thank you for your testimonies! I absolutely loved hearing from you and everyone else who commented on that post. I am grateful for this online community we have where we can encourage each other.
Today I would love to know how you handle the extras in your ten-item wardrobe. Do you struggle with having too many or too little? Do you find your extras compliment your core items well? Do you have any questions? Let us know in the comments.
Thank you for joining me and I'll see you soon!
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Je vous félicite pour ce joli billet...
Gros bisous
In today's video ("How many extras ...") you mentioned the person with all of the concert t-shirts and needing to get rid of them ... but those t-shirts are memories ... so here is an alternative which eliminates the t-shirts that are never worn problem while preserving those memories: make a quilt or find someone who will make one for you. As a teacher with 25 years of experience and lots of t-shirts and sweatshirts marking groups, teams and events, I finally culled them, cut them up, and now have a beautiful quilt that reflects the past, keeps me warm in the present, and encourages me to continue whole-heartedly in the present. The quilt took what was a huge hodge podge pile of clothing (I no longer wore) and turned them into a treasure. By the way, this can also be done with any clothing as my nieces and nephews have quilts with one special square which is from a piece of clothing worn by their grandmother who died before they were born. And since we talk about her, they understand her through this connection. (And even better, the square is the same in all 7 of the quilts.)
Thank you for reminding us that we can live small in order to live life in a large way.
I love the quilt idea for soft t-shirts, neckties, etc!
Another way to "keep" sentimental treasures without the clutter, is to take photos of them and put them in a scrapbook - or today, you can create a Shutterfly photo book (or something similar). Of course I allow myself a limited amount of space to keep originals (For example, 1 shoe box for greeting cards and a cedar chest for my wedding dress and my childhood favorite toys etc.)
The photo idea can be done for children's artwork, knickknacks, sentimental clothing, greeting cards, etc. For example, after 9 years teaching grade school, I had many hand-made cards and yearbooks, so I have been working on condensing each 3 years' worth into 1 sleek 12"x12"x<1" thick space. (Scan or take photos of items)
Jennifer, I love the balance you present in the 10-item wardrobe concept. I am slowly learning my personal style, importance of quality (or even what types of fabrics will wear well), insisting that things must fit properly and be comfortable (not just look good), using extras (like sweaters) especially in seasonal transitions, decluttering what doesn't work, simple wardrobe color palette, etc. There's a lot to learn, but it's becoming easier, and as I see my wardrobe thinning down and pleasing me more, my shopping becoming more deliberate, ridding myself of guilt from seeing all those unworn clothes, etc... it's very freeing.
Ladies, I love your ideas! Both the photographs and the quilt are such great ideas for preserving memories. Thank you for commenting!
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