In today's crazy, real-life video, I'm sharing 5 days of outfits from my ten-item wardrobe. Homeschooling, science fairs, doctor's offices, the park, urgent care + Ben out of town (and fingerprints on the mirrors that I forgot to wipe off). It's all in today's video! :)
I share one Saturday and four weekday outfits. Let's have a look.

Sea foam floral Lands' End dress and white cardigan (linking similar one here)

Garnet Hill cork sandals

LL Bean Knit Summer dress and cropped sweater (linking similar one here)

lightweight Garnet Hill sweaters

Denim skirt (a few seasons ago from Lands' End... linking similar one here) Sam Edelman Gigi Sandal

The striped tee is by Lands' End

Lands' End jeans
My green driving loafers are no longer available. I'm linking similar ones here: a high-end option with Tod's and a budget option from Amazon (please note, I cannot comment on the quality of the budget option. I am linking here in case anyone wants a similar look but I have not tried these personally).

LL Bean Knit Summer dress in brushstroke and slippers by Lands' End
Mentioned in today's video: Audrey Coyne's channel Audrey has wonderful style inspiration. Check out her channel and tell her I said, "hello"!
Also mentioned is the CC cream I reviewed in last week's makeup tutorial. On my nails, Londontown Teatime (use code JenniferS for 25% off).
📍Thank you to everyone who has taken my new eCourse, How to be Efficient at Home.
Nancy B. writes, "Jennifer, thanks for offering this course! I was very excited to see the topic when you announced it because earlier this year when you asked what your readers would like to see more content on, I specifically asked "How do you get it all done?!" It's like I hit the jackpot! Not just a blog post but a whole course. And what a delight to watch."
Nancy, I really enjoyed reading your comment on the course and I'm thrilled you enjoyed it. Thank you for your support!
📍Are you taking part in The Chic Assignment for April? I would love to hear your findings.
📍 Do you follow me on Instagram? I share some outfit of the day (ootd) snaps over there. Here is mine from Sunday.
On Instagram
Comment of the Week
Jody writes, "I just finished a audiobook of yours lessons from Madame Chic. I really enjoyed it and willbe listening to your book on poise tomorrow. I started getting into french culture last year. I love their simple way of living and their simple yet elegant fashion style."
Thank you, Jody. Welcome! I love connecting with people who have just discovered The Madame Chic books. I look forward to seeing you on the blog.
I hope you enjoyed today's video. I plan to shoot more "what I wear in a week" videos so stay tuned for those. I would love to know how your ten-item wardrobe is coming along. Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.
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FTC: This post is not sponsored. The links to the makeup are affiliate.
Oh, wow, Jennifer! You were Having A Week! What I love about all of the outfits is that they all fit you well: no frumpiness, and they appear to be extremely comfortable as well. I also love the realness of this video—some weeks are just messy and unpredictable, and we can all learn from your example that one can just approach this reality with grace and make adjustments as needed. ❤️
The lighting appears to be slightly better in your living room, but I can understand that may be more of a challenge with kids running around. We could still see you well in the closet and the bathroom, so no worries there!
Loved the video! I like everywhere you film! :) Your closet is beautiful and the lighting is really good in there, though. I hope that all is well with your biopsy and your back!! Why is it that the "things" always happen when one's husband is out of town...that's always been my luck too!! :) Thanks for being real and sharing your outfits with us! You have definitely encouraged me over the years when all I wanted to do was put on my exercise clothes!
Hi Jennifer,
I think the bathroom is better than the closet for the OOTD videos. I agree with Gypsy Liz that your living room is even better, but completely understand if that's not always an option : )
Please take good care and I will remember you in my prayers. I hope whatever your physical troubles are, they will be tiny issues that resolve quickly.
Hi Jennifer,
I am very sorry to hear you had so much pain that you had to go to urgent care when Ben was out of the country. That's terrible! I hope you are feeling much better. Your son is so adorable.
Warm best wishes,
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for posting even though it was a challenge with everything else going on. You are amazing.
Always love the dresses. I tried the Garnet Hill navy blue sweater, but to me it seemed dull - I always like a bit of glow or gloss to it. I know I'm picky, but when we invest $100+ we want it to feel "perfect", right? But it looks so nice on you, you really look great in navy blue.
I think your past "wardrobe videos" are the best, where your camera is on a tripod and you walk across the room: we can see the whole outfit, you don't have to hold that heavy camera with one hand, and it's not "backwards" from being in a mirror - you seemed left-handed today lol! But that's just my thought - I really don't mind whatever way works for you. If you're trying to shoot in a quieter/smaller space, then do what is easiest for you. You know your loyal audience won't mind a bit!
I will pray for you health as I would pray for a friend.
Good morning I love everyday busyness with families. I miss it now that my children have left home so never feel the need to apologise for being real just enjoy it all. Hope your back improves quickly, hard with lots of toddler lifting!Do love the aqua colored dress!
Hi Jennifer, like others say, the bathroom is the best spot but anywhere you can would be good 😊
I love how your baby is looking at the camera. He’s just so sweet.
How is your back, by the way? I hope it’s better. It’s hard the stage you’re at, carrying a baby around is not so great for your back. I remember having trouble with my back when my were little (I had 3 children in 4 years) but I would do it again. I knew I wasn’t going to get those years back and I loved the closeness of carrying my babies ❤️
Hi Jennifer, You are so thoughtful and you think of everything. Even with your biopsy and your stomach/back ailment, you filmed. Everything you do radiates kindness to all and that's why I tune in and am a loyal fan. As for filming, I prefer the bathroom set-up, because I can see your entire outfit, including shoes (or LE slippers!) and the lighting is nice. I really love your Garnet Hill sweater; it's so pretty on you. Baby Connoisseur is such a sweet child with an absolutely beautiful smile. I do hope your finger issue is not a big deal. I had a melanoma in situ (stage 0) on my right bicep and had a biopsy and then had it surgically removed. It's essential to have regular skin checks with your dermatologist. Since my Dad had three melanomas on his back (and he's 91), and we both have fair skin (English ancestors), I have to stay on top of it. As for your stomach and back, this is strange, and maybe something was going around, because I had this ache in my lower back that I never get and I couldn't determine if it was my back or stomach. I rested and had soothing teas and it eventually went away. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for sharing your outfits of the week and, yes, please keep them coming.
Oh... I get it - these aren't your 10-item wardrobe fashion shows, this is a quick daily "what I'm wearing today"... in which case you wouldn't want to set up the tripod in the living room every day! I think I missed the point when I said your previous wardrobe sessions are the best. So, let me add my vote to the bathroom setting. :)
Thanks for sharing!
Jennifer, I hope you are doing okay. I'm so sorry you were having pain, and I'm sorry it coincided with Ben being gone. Thank you for sharing your cute outfits with us. The bathroom has great light! xx
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