My interview series continues today with the lovely Devoreaux Walton of The Modern Lady.
Devoreaux is the author of the new book, Je Ne Sais Quoi, which is a fabulous style and life guide for the modern lady. I have written the foreword for Devoreaux's book and I have so enjoyed getting to know her. She is truly a kindred spirit!

I hope you enjoy our interview today. You can find Devoreaux on her website, The Modern Lady and find her YouTube channel here. Also, watch my interview on Devoreaux's channel, where we talk about how to be feminine for spring.
📍Like the rest of the world, I have been so moved, heartbroken, and saddened by the fire at Notre Dame. I released a video on Monday as the events unfolded to talk through my emotions as we watched the great cathedral burn. This video only appeared on YouTube so I am listing it here.
Thank you for sharing your own memories from Notre Dame. In this way, we are preserving our own history.
📍Thank you to everyone who has taken my new eCourse, How to be Efficient at Home.
Thank you for joining us for today's video! I would love to know your thoughts on our conversation. Your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.
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Yes, yes, YES! I agree with so many points you discussed here! Two points that particularly spoke to me were how we as a society seem to be getting overly casual in how we dress in public, and inappropriate smart phone use in restaurants.
While I do tend to wear jeans nearly every day for practicality’s sake, they are clean, properly fitting, a decently darker wash, and dressed up with nicer tops and shoes. I can’t imagine leaving my house in yoga pants or pajamas unless it were an emergency!
People using their smartphones in restaurants when they are dining with others makes my blood boil. I am trying so hard to teach (and model for!) my children that unless there’s an emergency or something very important happening, people who are physically with you come first. Texts and social media can wait, and your phone should ideally remain out of sight. Additionally, if I discover a friend is texting ME while at a restaurant with others, I’ll usually say something like, “Aaaaah! Put your phone away!” with a smiley face so I don’t sound completely shrill... but still! What is happening to our culture?
I would love to see another chat between you and Ms. Walton soon!
Thank you so much! I get some heat for these chats so I appreciate your positive feedback! xx
Thanks for this interview. Her current book was already on my list. But the timeless style book cannot come out soon enough! I am dying to be finished with fast fashion!
I have been following you for a very long time and this is the fist time i am commenting.I love your blog and i appreciate this is the first time that you are featuring a women of colour on your blog. I believe that getting perspective from diverse women brings a certain depth to your blog. I would love to see more diverse guest on your blog. This was such a treat. Love from Canada.
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