A few months ago, I did a video on maintaining dignity in parenting. I discussed how I had to interrupt my breakfast and run after my toddler who was gleefully sprinkling pepper all over the living room floor. This made me think about how parenting can sometimes make us act less than dignified.
That video resonated with many people and I heard from so many of you who could relate! I am continuing the discussion in today's video as I talk about maintaining our dignity in parenting by becoming aware of what triggers our anger... which eventually leads to undignified behavior.
I hope you enjoy today's video and that it gives you encouragement as a parent. If you know someone who could use this encouragement, please share this video or blog. I love to connect with you and would love to hear form you in the comment section.
📍Thank you to everyone who has taken my new eCourse, How to be Efficient at Home.
M Monahan writes, "The inspiration to wake up earlier made a huge difference in my productivity this past week as I went through your course. Additionally, creating a weekly cleaning/chores schedule helped shift my mindset from one of feeling overwhelmed and always behind to one of confidence through baby steps. I look forward to continuing to use these methods on a daily basis. Thank you Jennifer for all of your encouragement and empathy."
Thank you for your wonderful feedback, M! I'm so happy you enjoyed the course.
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Madame Chic in Poland...
Comment of the Week
Regarding last week's makeup tutorial, Leigha B. writes, "I am now convinced that all makeup tutorials should have classical music in the background! Lovely, as always Jennifer!"
Thank you, Leigha! I agree :)
I hope you enjoyed today's discussion. Please chime in with your experience in the comments below and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.
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This can be applied to any relationship!
Thanks for this, Jennifer. I love your parenting chats! As my brother once said, parenting is the best yet most difficult job. It’s nice to be reminded that we are not alone in our parenting journeys, and we all face challenges. You give such helpful advice. I always feel more fortified in my role as a parent after one of your chats. Please keep these coming!
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