
Intermittent Fasting What I Eat in a Day | 2 Days 16:8 Method (No Diet)

5:57 AM 3 Comments
 I'm back with another intermittent fasting what I eat in a day video. I'm sharing two frenzied days in today's video. I need you to know that I don't curate these (clearly) and want to show you what it's like sometimes for a busy mom.  This is a "relaxed summer edition" as I tend to go light on the cooking...



The Chic Assignment Check-In July 2021 Fauré and Rumi

2:50 PM 0 Comments
Welcome to The Chic Assignment Check-in for July, 2021. We are diving into the life of Gabriel Fauré and the poetry of Sufi mystic poet, Rumi. This has been a fun month. Before we get into the assignments, I want you to know that The Chic Assignment will not occur in the month of August as I will be taking...


Ten Ways To Be Effortlessly Polished | Elegant Behaviors

5:59 AM 2 Comments
In continuation of my series on being elegant and polished, I am sharing ten more ways to be effortlessly polished. These tips focus more on being rather than "looking". I do hope you enjoy today's video.   Equally important to how we look is how we behave. They both go hand-in-hand in exuding elegance. Today...


Ten Years on YouTube | Reacting to my First Video + Q&A

6:02 AM 2 Comments
 It's official. I've been on YouTube for TEN YEARS. In today's video, I react to my very first video from ten years ago. I also answer all of your YouTube questions and let you know what it's like to be a YouTuber in 2021.  I started my YouTube channel in 2011, with the intention of building an audience and...
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