Hello Daily Connoisseurs,
I hope you are having a lovely week! Here is our rebounding video for March. I enjoyed hearing from you as you jumped to February's video. I jumped almost every evening. Ben thought I was crazy jumping to my own video, but I really enjoy the motivating music and familiar routine. After a few days you really memorize it.
Many of you sent me pictures of you jumping along. Some of you even showed me videos of your children jumping! My children jumped to it too. They clearly think it's the coolest thing ever to jump with their mom on the TV :)
If you jump on the rebounder regularly, please let us know in the comments if you see an improvement in your health. The biggest benefit for me is the reduction in stress I have. Whenever I feel stressed throughout the day, I jump for a few minutes. It always helps.
The rebounder we use is by Needak.
I shot this video in our family room this time. The floral arrangement behind me is by Horchow. The candle I'm burning is Pacific Northwest by Cellar Door Candles (I'll be doing a natural candle review next week!)
Send me your rebounding pics online with the hashtag #dailyconnoisseur or #jenniferlscott I look forward to jumping with you!
See you tomorrow for a bonus Natural Home with Jennifer.
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FTC: This video is not sponsored. Some links are affiliate.
I love you rebounding series, Jennifer, and now that I have my rebounder back from my sister (and secretly happy she returned it!), I've been doing it every day! You are such a great motivator and following your routines, from February and March, makes it so much easier as the days go by. I feel energized and ready for the day. One happy side note is to see you sharing the written conversation or text about various items, like your candle, the rebounder and the floral arrangement. Somehow, time flies when I'm doing this and reading your comments on my laptop as it sits on the dining room table and I jump with my cats as an audience. Please tell your husband, Ben, that while it may look crazy with you jumping to your own video, it's a perfect workout video. Keep jumping for health and thanks for making these videos. Your home looks so cozy, too!
Is the best way to post photos, with the hashtags mentioned above, on Instagram? When you mentioned videos being sent by your viewers and readers, I wondered if they were on Instagram or other social media outlets. I have a photo I want to post.
Hi Vicki, I loved your picture! Tagging on Instagram is the best way for me to see it. Thanks for participating!
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