Welcome to The Chic Assignment for March! February's assignment was great success. So many of you participated and checked-in with your findings. I really enjoyed reading your book recommendations and your observations on the music too! We are going to continue now for March and I'm excited to see where these assignments take us.
We are going to focus on cultivating our minds, seeking out the arts, being efficient, and refining our ten-item wardrobes. So without further ado, here are the assignments:
🎵 Chic Assignment no. 1 Listen to Chopin Nocturne in E flat major Op. 9 No. 2 Chopin is my favorite composer and this is my favorite classical piece! I am linking a YouTube video by pianist Valentina Lisitsa that you can listen to for free. I am also linking a wonderful Chopin album that includes the nocturne and is worth owning if you are a Chopin fan.
This piece is shorter at around 4 minutes. I'd love for you to listen to it with a cup of tea. If you watched my Tasha Tudor video, you will remember that Tasha recommended sitting down with a cup of tea each afternoon to combat stress. This would be the perfect piece to play in the background. You could look at a book while you sip and listen, or you can chat with a friend, or you could just blissfully listen. It's up to you! Try to do this at least once a week.
🧺 Chic Assignment no. 2 Make your laundry routine more pleasurable
I have left this assignment vague on purpose because I am excited to see what you come up with! I'd like for you to make your laundry routine more pleasurable this month. Whether you sip a cup of tea or iced coffee while folding, or listen to a new audiobook or podcast, how can you make the usually dreaded laundry task more enjoyable? Other ideas include sprucing up your laundry room or dedicating a specific space in your home to doing laundry. Let us know how you improve your routine and your idea could spark inspiration in someone else.
🖼 Chic Assignment no. 3 Study the works of Claude Monet
We are going to seek out the arts and cultivate our minds with the works of French impressionistic painter, Claude Monet. You are all familiar with his iconic paintings, and this month we are going to study them and chose our personal favorites. Even if you are not a fan of impressionism, I'd love for you to take part in this assignment. I am linking a free website where you can look at many of his most popular works. Have a look at them and choose your favorite painting. Report back to let us know which one you like the best and why. When I do my check-in in two weeks, I'll share my favorite with you.
👗 Chic Assignment no. 4 Prepare your ten-item wardrobe for the seasonal transition
Most of us are getting ready to transition into spring (my Southern Hemisphere friends are transitioning seasons too, just the opposite way!). It's time to prepare your ten-item wardrobe. This will vary depending on where you live and the forecasted weather. If you are transitioning from winter to spring, you will be storing away all seasonal items such as heavy coats, snow gear, heavy sweaters, and scarves, for example. Start to bring out your spring items and prepare them for your closet by pressing or steaming them, trying them on to see if they still fit, and hanging them up in your wardrobe. If winter doesn't look like it's going away any time soon, you can simply prepare your spring ten-item wardrobe list. What will be returning and what will you need to purchase to fill in any gaps in your wardrobe? Please comment below on this video or the check-in to let us know how your wardrobe is coming along.
Even though I have not assigned a book for this month, we will continue to read at least one book, or listen to an audio book each month. That will always be a given. I have enjoyed so many of your recommendations so feel free to post what you're reading so you can give us ideas.
Share your findings with us on social media using the hashtags #thechicassignment and #dailyconnoisseur
I hope you enjoy today's video.
📍 My new eCourse will be debuting next week! If you wish to get caught up on the others before you begin, you can find them here.
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📍 *NEW* I have created an Amazon page with all of my recommendations in one place. Books, music, beauty, wardrobe, presentable pajamas, baby gear... all of my recommendations that can be found on Amazon are here for your convenience.
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Comment of the Week
On last week's The Private World of Tasha Tudor video, Toni W. writes, "I too am a Tasha Tudor fan and have been for many years. I teach preschool and have read many of her books to many classes. I especially enjoy her illustrations of Corgi’s. Whatever it is that you love, share your passion with your children through books. They will pick up on your enthusiasm which makes learning more enjoyable. By the way, at the end of each year, I bring our pet Corgi named Albert into the classroom for the children to meet. It’s a page out of a book which comes to life! Magic!!"
Hi Toni, I loved your comment. I bet the children had such a great surprise when you brought your corgi to visit them. I agree with your recommendation on teaching through books. Thank you for commenting!
I look forward to hearing your progress on The Chic March Assignment. I'll see you next time!
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Hello Jennifer,
Thanks for the assignment! I can already report on my ten item wardrobe transition. I have only just fine-tuned my winter wardrobe, and there is still plenty of rain on the horizon; so I won't be putting my winter clothes away just yet; however, I've decided to translate the same template for my spring wardrobe. My winter wardrobe consists of 4 winter skirts, 1 blue jeans, 5 turtlenecks. Turtlenecks are apparently popular with women of energy type 4/winter; so that explains my turtleneck obsession! I like to wear my skirts with opaque tights and my turtlenecks with long necklaces.
As I said, I will translate the same template for spring. I will have four lightweight skirts, 1 pair white jeans, and five blouses. I am going to try out this spring wardrobe on a cruise that I am taking this month.
The Chopin piece sounds the perfect length to BREW a cup of tea.
I am continuing to enjoy the Royal Spyness mystery series by Rhys Bowen. I am thankful that it's a lovely long series!
Warm best wishes,
I'm pleased that I am able to play that particular piece myself although there are a few sticky parts for me. I have to remind myself to slow down as there's a tendency to speed up. I wonder if as many children take piano lessons now. It takes dedication and persistence to achieve proficiency and there aren't really any shortcuts. There's a desire for quick results now. But It is a lifelong pleasure though to be able to play piano.
Jennifer, I enjoy your chic assignments so much! I haven't read a fiction book since october because I have felt too busy (but for some reason I have had time for my phone), but I decided to follow the chic assignments and now I read every day again! I rather have my children seeing me read a book than holding my phone.
For this months assignment I especially like the Monet assignment. There is a lovely childrens book called "Linnea in Monet's garden" by Christina Bjork. I will read it again with my children and enjoy the story and the paintings together them!
1. Artist Garden at Giveney. Some of my favorite colors of lavender, blues, etc. The garden is full of life in full bloom.
2. Love classical music-if you grow up with classical music, one is more apt to appreciate it ( this is what my mother would say, as she was a classical musician). This particular piece is one that I associate with my mother, since she would play it often.
3. Florida has a very short spring season. The summer is a 6 months season so basically wardrobe staples can work throughout most of the year. Autumn, Winter, & Spring I utilize seasonal colors through sweaters and scarves, along with change in footwear. Currently I am looking for a pattern dress with simple lines for summer. Not finding what I like in stores ( I am over 60).
4. Laundry Room- not much to change. I have floor to ceiling cabinets beside a stacked washer and dryer. When I need to hang to dry I just clip the hanger through the cabinet knob. ( Of course I no longer have children at home- laundry is much simpler)
This is great. We still have snow and I can only exercise and declutter so much. Thank you for the assignment 😊🌷
My cat was in my lap when I started listening to the Chopin Nocturne and she started purring. ☺️
It’s very tough to select my favorite Monet piece. Two that I especially gravitated toward today are Lunch and The Poppy Field near Argenteuil. I used to have one of the Water Lily prints in my office.
I’m currently reading “I Owe You One” by Sophie Kinsella. Had not read any of her books before. Enjoying the story so far and that it takes place in London. Like the humor she injects into it.
Hello Jennifer,
Thank you for this new series!
It is very hard for me to pick a favourite Monet painting but I love the way he explores the different light at the same place in the paintings of Entretat cliff or the haystacks. I also love the fact that there are real grains of sand in 'The Beach at Trouville'. I follow various art galleries on Instagram to get a daily dose of art.
I am a piano teacher and last year taught the Chopin Nocturne in E flat for the first time, fortunately to a very musical student, so it was a pleasure. Listening to Classical music while I iron is the way I elevate that aspect of the laundry.
Best wishes from Western Australia,
Hi Jennifer
I posted a reply for you on Facebook today. I wanted to add pics of my favourite Monet's.
I already have my laundry organized so as to be as easy as possible for me. The most important thing for me is my laundry bin. It is a rolling cart with three cloth bags attached with hooks. Each bag is exactly the size of a full load of laundry for me. I use one bag for towels and things that require hot water. I use another bag for darks and cold water things. (The third I seldom use.) When a bag is full, I know I can do a load of laundry. (It's important to train one's family in the system as well.) I do a load first thing in the morning as I'm preparing for the day. I mean, the machine does all the work; it's not like I'm beating it on a rock in the river! When the wash is done, I hang it to dry... in my attic. I have clothesline strung up in my attic. It's warmer than outdoor temps. It's dry. There are no birds to poop on it. I can leave it up there until I have the time to take it down and put it away. Only occasionally do I use the dryer, for things that I otherwise might have to iron.
Terrific! I look forward to making March a little richer with a Chic challenge. I am reading Louisa May Alcott's Little Women which I have never read before and saw that the Victoria Magazine had proposed it plus Modern Mrs. Darcy's book club is a standard for me and we are reading Enchanted April. I look forward to watching the movie at the end of March as a *reward*. Thank you and God bless you!
I have a recommendation you might like. I read a murder mystery book this week which is set at Giverny- the garden where Monet lives. It is called Black Water Lilies by Michael Bussi.
My laundry tip is to establish a daily routine of doing an LOL. That's "load of laundry" in Flylady talk. I do a load every day and do it as early as possible in the day. If I'm the only one home I'll put it in the washer at 5:30 before I even make my coffee. At first I didn't think I'd have a load to do but I usually do. Some times it's a load of throw rugs I otherwise forget about. This does two great things: 1) establishes it as a routine on autopilot so I never waste mental energy deciding if I should do laundry so the job just seems to take way less effort, and 2) I never have a big backlog of laundry nagging at me. Maybe moms already do a load or more every day, but there are just us two retirees in the house. My LOL habit adds a bit of structure and frees up time to do fun retiree stuff.
Thanks for doing what you do, Jennifer. I love your blog and videos! These assignments are great. I appreciate that you get people talking and thinking about these kinds of things. I’m a homeschooling mom of five beautiful children and taking time for “Mother Culture” is so vital. Have you read Charlotte Mason’s original writings? I would love to see you do a series on homeschooling with these ideas. It seems to me that the life you live (as observed online) is very much in line with her ideas of education being an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.
Jennifer, I have a quick question about the link to the Chopin album on Amazon; will you get a small commission if I use that link? I want to support you on the things that you link us to. Otherwise I will revert to my Smile Amazon account.
I am LOVING the assignments!
Hello ladies, I have enjoyed reading your updates! I have been practicing the Chopin piece (it's an easy version) so I will most likely perform it for you for the check-in. I really love hearing your recommendations and take them to heart so please keep them coming.
Alexandra- Thanks for your updates. I have got to check out that mystery series!
Anon- I agree! It is a lifelong pleasure to play the piano!
Anna- Did you see you were comment of the week on today's post? (Teatime with Jennifer)
mominapocket- thanks for your updates. I can imagine that laundry is way simpler with kids out of the house!
Frenchcaligirl- I have read Sophie Kinsella. She's great!
Rosalie- I love that!
Wellyboots- I loved the ones you chose!
Mimi- I have a rolling cart too. Love it!
Sherrylynne- I love Modern Mrs. Darcey and Enchanted April! Although I only saw the movie and have not read the book!
Tara- The Black Water Lillies book sound so good!
DD- your LOL made me laugh. I love that!
Unknown- I love the Charlotte Mason method. I've actually ordered The Mother Culture book and can't wait to receive it!
Anon- my Amazon links are usually affiliate links. That is really considerate of you to ask. Please use your Smile account though because that is a much better cause! I appreciate you!
Thanks ladies, I look forward to seeing you soon!
Jennifer, I'm truly inspired by your assignment - you made me go back to my classical music collection and rediscover some of my favorite pieces! For the 3rd assigment, I highly recommend Google Arts & Culture resources on Monet (https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/m01xnj) - it really offers a great overview of his works.
my favorite monet is at MOMA in NYc:
the room full of his waterlilies three of them
but i went to MFA in boston thursday with an artist
pal who opined as how the boston waterlily painting is
superior as the NYC waterlilies were painted late in his life
when he was losing his sight & the boston painting actually has pink
flowers painted in it...dp
I always feel apprehensive when beginning even the smallest projects, because I feel a sense of doom before I even begin. This assignment has not only been thoroughly delightful and satisfying, but coincided with a public holiday. All the better to find the pockets of time I need!
1. Your choice of Chopin piece is surely music to live by? It is beautiful, calming and errs on the side of dainty here and there. It had me thinking I need to sit at the piano myself; something I haven't done in quite some time.
2. I usually don't do much laundry, as my husband is obsessed with that task, and who am I to stand in his way? But I marvel at the ability of our clothing coming out clean, considering the state the room had become. It is now decluttered and cleaned.
3. Monet has always been one of my favourite artists. His muted style and colour choices have always appealed, but I hadn't known he did so much more than lilies on ponds (although I love them!). The paintings of his garden at Giverny were amongst my new favourites. If only I had the mental and physical wherewithal to create such a garden here!
4. My wardrobe remains as it is - everything accessible all year round. We have definite seasons, and certainly through winter there is no need for summer clothing. Summer is a totally different story, however. I need access to warm clothes and cool, at the drop of a hat. All seasoned Melbournians (Australia) know it is nonsense to put away your winter clothes in summer! Although I don't change things over, my wardrobe easily stores what I have and I do organise it so that the most relevant items are in the place I reach for naturally.
1. I'm enjoying the piece you selected this month, and my children are too. It's fun to watch them interact with certain pieces since we have added classical music to our mornings.
2. Trying to make laundry a pleasant task has been a bit of a challenge. I've found that the end result of clean items in their places is quite rewarding because it is physical proof of a daily accomplishment. Focusing on that gratification has improved laundry time as well as focusing on the people I'm folding laundry for while I fold.
3. I've always loved Monet since he was introduced to us in grade school. I have a memory of being given q-tips and being told to paint a garden with lots of little dots. I think my favorite is San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk.
4. I've had a 10 item wardrobe for roughly 2 years now and it's always fun to bring out what was put away from a few seasons ago. I've truly been able to figure out my style, which is perfect since I am needing a maternity wardrobe for the warmer months this year. This is my 4th time around with maternity cloths and before I found it so stressful in not knowing what I would really need. This time I have a clear vision of what I want my wardrobe to look like and I can get rid of the items that I really won't use and maybe add a few things to finish my wardrobe off. This will save me so much time and money.
Jennifer, I am loving your chic monthly assignments! I smiled to myself when I read the task to make laundry more pleasant because the day before you posted this, I was thinking about how much I despise this old laundry hamper we have sitting on top of the dryer. In my household, we each have our own hampers in our bedrooms, but the one in the laundry room is used for household towels and soiled table linens. I believe I bought it just before my freshman year of college, which would have been nearly 17 years ago! It's the antithesis of chic. I've been longing to replace it with a nice, classic wicker laundry basket, and your prompt was just the encouragement I needed to find the chic laundry basket of my dreams. Thank you!
Dear Jennifer, thank you for such inspiring and motivating idea as month assingments! I just want to ask you leave links for music in all yours videos. I'd like to listen it all. Thank you!
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