I recently asked for your Teatime requests on Instagram and received so many varied requests, that I decided to answer them all (or almost all of them).
I was under the weather when I shot this video, so please accept my apologies. We chat about everything from how I buy the art for my home, to how to deal with children who talk back, to advice for college kids, to ideas for hostess gifts, to how to deal with children and screen time . I answer so many questions in today's video!
I promised to link many of the things I discussed in the video so I will link them all here:
📍Jose Trujillo has wonderful and affordable paintings on eBay. I also have bought antique paintings from Califauctions, Cathedral Fine Art, DelphiFineArt, and Unusual Finds
📍Laurie from Pride in Photos Beauty's channel This is in reference to the question on grey hair.
📍My Amazon store is where I link my favorite books as well as the baby items I actually use (plus so much more)
📍The necklace I'm wearing is by Ana Luisa NY (code Jennifer10 gives $10 off), The nail polish I'm wearing is Londontown Lemonade Pop (use code JenniferS for 25% off)
📍The flower arrangement is by Horchow and the candle I'm burning is Tokyo Citrus by Cellar Door Candles
📍My debt-free eCourse is linked here. On Monday I'm debuting my new eCourse. I'm so excited to share it with you!
📍Skillshare is the online learning resource where you can choose from over 25,000 classes to learn a new skill. If you have a skill, you could be a teacher on skillshare and earn an income from your class. It's a great resource, especially for those of us who like to stay sharp and refuse to be dumbed down :)
I hope you enjoyed today's video.
On Instagram
Comment of the Week
AnnaJH writes, Jennifer, I enjoy your chic assignments so much! I haven't read a non fiction book since October because I have felt too busy (but for some reason I have had time for my phone), but I decided to follow the chic assignments and now I read every day again! I rather have my children seeing me read a book than holding my phone.
For this months assignment I especially like the Monet assignment. There is a lovely childrens book called "Linnea in Monet's garden" by Christina Bjork. I will read it again with my children and enjoy the story and the paintings together them!
Thank you, Anna! I'm enjoying The Chic Assignments so much. I am so excited that they have inspired you to read more. The Monet book looks wonderful, I will have to check that out.
Thank you for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed this Teatime with Jennifer. I would love to hear your comments on all of the topics discussed. I'll see you tomorrow for my rebound with me video for March!
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FTC: Thank you to Skillshare for sponsoring today's video. Some links are affiliate.
Hi Jennifer, I am a long time reader. I homeschool my six children and enjoy trying to incorporate many aspects of your blog into my life. My oldest daughter, age 17, is a dancer and follows Kathryn Morgan after I learned about her through your blog-I have always wanted to say thank you for that. Ever since you started homeschooling, I felt prompted to tell you about a homeschooling method based on the British educator Charlotte Mason. I never did comment and continue to feel prompted, so I am finally doing it. Maybe you have already heard of this method of homeschooling, and if you have, then please ignore this comment! I have a master's degree in education and I have never felt so strongly about an educational method until discovering the Charlotte Mason method about seven years ago. It is very unique in that it aims to educate the whole person and gives them a varied feast for their minds from which to learn from. One of the mottos of this type of education is "atmosphere, discipline, and life". The students learn from "living" books, do picture study, composer study, read Shakespeare, sing hymns, learn handicrafts, do nature study, recite poetry, and cultivate good habits. There have been many of your posts that make me think, "Jennifer really needs to look into the Charlotte Mason method! She would love it!" So, I just wanted to tell you that you should look into it. Some resources I would suggest are Simply Charlotte Mason, Ambleside Online, and A Delectable Education podcast. Thank you for all you do to inspire me and so many others.
You hit the nails on the head on all of these questions! I am so excited about your new e-course! I may not need it, but I will relish the opportunity to listen to a kindred spirit for several hours!
Warm best wishes,
Hi Jennifer,
I’m not sure if you remember me from a comment a year ago, but I thought I’d tag in with you again and give you an update!
It is my 1 year anniversary as a Daily Connoisseur and I wanted to thank you from my heart! I am going through the Madame Chic Books again, and plan to read them through each year.
Here are a few ways you have changed my life:
1. My husband is so grateful that I make an effort to provide a delightful breakfast complete with Bach For Breakfast playing in the background. He says he feels so sophisticated. Haha!
2. My mom, sister and I phone each other about you and the wonderful things we learn from you all the time.
3. My routines have been changed from bad habits and I’m constantly reevaluating them to see what can be improved.
4. My home is in a constant state of decluttering
5. I ENJOY laundry and look forward to it each day!!!
6. I’m still not at a ten item wardrobe but I am honing in on my personal style and it’s been so much fun. I am certainly benefiting from the smaller closet!!!
Like I said, these are just a few, but mostly importantly, I enjoy caring for my home each day and the results have been a breath of fresh air. Thank you for all you do and I genuinely hope that one day you will go on tour again and I will get to meet you to thank you personally for the positive impact you have had in my life! I’m excited about your e-course coming out next week and your book this July!!
Correction: not on tour! I meant I hope you will have a book signing again 😄
Hi ladies,
Thank you for watching and commenting! I really do appreciate the comments and always read them even if I sometimes don't respond.
Jenn- I am very familiar with the Charlotte Mason method and we incorporate a lot of it into our homeschool. I have so much admiration for Charlotte Mason! I have the Mother Culture book on order and it should be arriving soon. I am so excited to read it. Thank you!
Alexandra- Thank you! I had fun answering these questions!
Nicole- You have no idea how much I appreciate your comment. I get many positive comments but I also get a lot of negative ones too and those can sometimes be the ones that stick. Your comment really reminded me to keep going. I really do appreciate it!
With love,
I am enjoying the teatime series so much and love your "Chic closet" getaway space. I had 5 sons, so was constantly surrounded by my sweet darlings. You are looking so lovely and calm!
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