I recently appeared on MacKenzie Koppa's Cultivating the Lovely podcast (hear our episode here). I had so much fun chatting with MacKenzie, I invited her on my channel so I could introduce her to you!
MacKenzie is the host of the Cultivating the Lovely podcast as well as The Same Page podcast. I hope you join us for fun, refreshing conversation today as we cultivate the lovely. (There is also a funny story about how we connected!) I hope you enjoy today's video.
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Madame Chic in Italy...
Comment of the Week
Regarding my piano performance in The Chic March Assignment check-in, Celeste W. writes, "Thank you for playing for us! As a piano teacher, it's rewarding to see an adult who plays for her own pleasure. It gives perspective and encouragement about the goal of piano lessons."
Thank you, Celeste! My performance had many flaws but my message is not to strive for perfectionism, but rather to feed our souls. I appreciate your comment, especially as you are a piano teacher! Thank you!
I hope you enjoyed today's interview with MacKenzie. I'll see you tomorrow as The Clueless Gardeners prepare for spring! :)
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Hello! I listened to your interview at lunch and enjoyed it, and then went to the Blue Turquoise site and was surprised when the first episode I popped open, MacKenzie referred to Trisha Goyer, she and her husband are one of my daughter and her husbands best friends!! Okay, the world is getting small! I'm in Montana and love all things from "The Daily Connoisseur". Keep up the inspiration!!
Last comment was from Jennifer R in Montana
Jennifer, what a small world! I love that! Thanks for watching.
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