My skincare routine is quite simple. It consists of daily care rituals, intermingled with weekly, and monthly rituals. In today's video, I'm sharing my full skincare routine for face and body.
Skincare shouldn't be a complicated thing. I remember when I first started watching YouTube a decade ago, I loved to watch skincare tutorials. Unfortunately, I picked up some bad habits from those tutorials as I took what the YouTuber was saying as appropriate for me. As you watch my video today, please remember that we all have different skin types and skin concerns. My routine might not necessarily work for you. On the other hand, you might glean a life-changing tip that you can benefit from forever!

Let's start with the evening routine. I start off removing my makeup. I do this every evening. Even if I haven't worn makeup that day, I like to use a wipe to take off anything on my skin. My logic with this is that if you do not prep by removing the makeup, you are simply rubbing the day's makeup and debris further into your skin when you are at the cleansing step. I have traditionally used makeup remover wipes, the packages you can pick up from the drugstore (I like the Simple brand, as well as the Rooted brand from Grove). However, recently a viewer told me about this reusable makeup remover cloth. I was skeptical. How could a cloth remove mascara and a day's makeup with just water? But it works really well! Grove Collaborative customers, you can find a high quality makeup remover cloth there (that's what I'm using in today's video). I have also found makeup remover cloth pack on Amazon (I haven't tried these yet, they are less expensive). What a great, sustainable way to remove your makeup every day! Plus, ultimately it is a money saver.

Next, I use a natural cleanser with water and massage it into my face and neck. Three to four times a week, I will exfoliate. Lately, I have been using a konjac sponge, but I have also used exfoliating scrubs or serums. In the past, I have really loved using the Clarisonic, as you know I wrote about in Lessons from Madame Chic. After cleansing and exfoliating, I apply a light toner and then moisturize with an evening cream and lightly place an eye cream around my eyes.
Of course, you can accomplish this with any skincare line you choose that is right for you. In today's video I'm using Pellu's natural skincare system (the link sends you to a 50% off offer). I always return to Pellu. Like I mentioned in my past skincare review for Natural Home with Jennifer, the Pellu line is high-quality and high-performing, yet still natural. I love it!
Regarding exfoliation, the konjac sponge I use in the video is from Pellu. You can also find them on Amazon
Now, when I watched those skincare videos on YouTube all those years ago, I was led astray because the influencers I was watching were doing complicated morning and evening routines. I learned over the years that in the morning, all I need to do is splash warm water on my face and apply moisturizer. Of course, apply an SPF, if needed, and apply makeup if you plan to do that.

Let's talk about skincare for the body. On a regular basis, I like to dry brush my skin. This is the dry brush I use. When you dry brush, always move toward the heart. Here are the benefits of dry brushing: it exfoliates dry skin, increases blood circulation, promotes lymph flow and drainage, unclogs pores and stimulates the nervous system. (Information from the Cleveland Clinic).
I also moisturize my body on a daily basis. I like to use Bend Soap Co.'s all natural goat milk soaps (use code DC10 for 10% off order) or any other natural moisturizer. I also use natural deodorant. I mention the Sudsy Soapery deodorant
I also use this foot file, which is the best foot file ever! If you have dry skin on your heels, this will take care of it.

Once a week, I will apply a face mask. Some of my favorite masks are Epicuren, Honey Belle and Generation Clay (what I'm using in today's video). I am also interested in trying Teami's green tea mask (JLS25 for 25% off of $39+), which has great reviews. I can do a skincare review of that soon.
As for electronic devices, these are not necessary for an effective skincare routine. However, they do serve a function and can be useful if you are not able to get a professional facial. I have used the Clarisonic in the past and currently use the Nurysh Lyft's laser treatments for my skin.
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Comment of the Week
Anon writes, "Jennifer, I am SO enjoying these chic assignments, it has added a little sparkle to each month. I am keeping a list of each month in my planner. It will be fun at the end of the year to look back to see what music, art, poetry, so on I have dabbled in during 2019. Thank you so much."
Anon, that is such a good idea! I have been writing the assignments in my planner too and it will be fun to look back at the end of the year. Our education truly never stops! :)
Thank you for watching today's video. I would love to know what your skincare routine is. Do you have any tips you'd like to offer us? What is your favorite skincare line to use? Let us know in the comment section below.
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Jennifer, I recently tried the Teami skin mask (after you mentioned their tea special) and even my hyper sensitive maternity skin loves it! No redness or dryness after the fact. My skin just looked hydrated and glowing. I recommend it 😊 I also second not washing your face in the morning! It makes a huge difference. Thanks for sharing.
Such a great skincare review on your routine. Thank you for sharing it all.
I, too, only wash with water in the morning which is best for my skin. I use EltaMD products and use their eye gel and the UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46 Facial Sunscreen. I've not heard of konjac sponges and will look into this. Also, how did I miss your Nurysh Lyft's laser treatment video‽ I'll have to look into that, as well.
I'd love to know more about the makeup remover cloth. I looked on Grove and nothing came up and will try again. Do you have to wash them after each use? Or, can you use one section and then another for a few days? I understand it works best with a lot of water.
Yes, to dry brushing and I do it daily before my shower and always brush toward the heart. My friend in Belgium does it, too, and my brush has a handle. Love this skincare routine.
For natural deodorants, I've been using the Crystalux spray for years, following my breast cancer surgery and I love it. I don't like the waxy ones and they don't seem to work on my skin. The Crystalux is my go-to.
I can't wait to try the Bend Soap Co. moisturizer. I often use Eucerin Skin Calming Cream which I like.
I do have a pumice stone in my shower, which I use daily and it seems to work, however, I'm always on the hunt for a highly-recommended product, so I'll check out the one you mentioned. Didn't you one time talk about a battery-operated one you mother-in-law gave you and that you liked a lot?
I love the cute tie-backs and headbands you have in your hair (pink one and floral print one). So cute.
I love these kinds of videos that you do! I'm pretty simple in my skin care routine and yet people compliment me on my skin often and ask me what I do, so it must be working. :-) I use a konjac sponge (I have one with charcoal from Grove now) in the morning with just water. I used to use a cleanser but after one of your videos I decided to try water only. It's working well. I'm not sure if it would've when I was younger and my skin was super oily, but now at almost 50, it works very well for me. I use argan oil with a couple of essential oils for a moisturizer and an eye cream. At night I oil cleanse, use an eye cream, and a vitamin C serum.
I also have dry brushes but I haven't been very faithful about using them. I need to get into a better routine with that.
Thanks for your recommendations!
The very best thing you can do for your skin, in addition to drinking water and getting adequate sleep, is to stay out of the sun where possible and to always wear the highest factor sunscreen, year round. Whether you think you're going outdoors or not (most people 'go outdoors' in their daily life, whether it's just popping out to get the laundry from the clothesline for five minutes at the hottest part of the day, or sitting at windows getting the UV rays, so they are accidentally accruing skin damage over time without realising it). Please don't count on 'SPFs' in make-up; you don't apply make-up as thickly as you would a sunscreen (that would be a really bad look with foundation!), so the coverage isn't anywhere near as high as you might assume it is for the same-rated SPF sunscreen product.
Someone mistook me for 15 years younger (this is a new record, usually they guess around 8 years younger) this month and I'm sure it's because I am ultra 'UV' aware; this is very different to only putting a hat on when it's sunny. Most people are fooled by cloudy days. You need coverage on cloudy days because the UV is just as strong as a sunny day at specific times of the year. I have had skin cancer before (via a careless and uninformed childhood of sunbaking), so please trust me on this. I have always been super protective of my face but can really see the difference between it and the rest of my body as I age.
I love this very simple yet effective routine! Mine is similar, I also do not wash my face in the morning. I splash with cool water and apply moisturizer with SPF. Sometimes makeup, sometimes not. I just recently started dry brushing every other day and also giving myself a short oil massage on the days I do not dry brush. Amazing! My skin feels great and it only takes a few extra minutes of time. Thanks for sharing!
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