
5 Ways to Add Romance to Your Decor | Jennifer L. Scott

5:02 AM 5 Comments
I have such a fun video for you today. I'm collaborating with Nikki Moreno from Inspired by Nikki to bring you 5 ways to add romance to your decor. Nikki has a wonderful and inspiring YouTube channel and she is a dear friend of mine in real life too! Nikki's decorating style is lovely and romantic and I can't wait until...


The Ten-Item Wardrobe is Freeing | Jennifer L. Scott

7:01 AM 9 Comments
When most people hear about the ten-item wardrobe for the first time, they think it sounds restrictive. How and why would I want to only have ten core items per season? But what they don’t realize is the ten-item wardrobe is incredibly freeing. How is that possible? Watch today’s video to learn more. For those of...


The Clueless Gardeners Prepare for Spring

6:52 AM 13 Comments
Happy Friday! Friday just might be my favorite day of the week. I love that the week is winding down to a close and the weekend, with all its possibilities, is at hand. On today's episode of The Clueless Gardeners, we prepare our garden for spring. Gardening is a family affair. It's very important for us to involve...


Cultivating the Lovely | MacKenzie Koppa + Jennifer L. Scott Interview

6:41 AM 3 Comments
I recently appeared on MacKenzie Koppa's Cultivating the Lovely podcast (hear our episode here). I had so much fun chatting with MacKenzie, I invited her on my channel so I could introduce her to you! MacKenzie is the host of the Cultivating the Lovely podcast as well as The Same Page podcast. I hope you join us for...


The Chic Assignment Check-in March 2019 | Jennifer L. Scott

10:50 AM 16 Comments
Welcome to The Chic Assignment check-in for March, 2019. This is becoming my favorite series on the channel. I am enjoying doing these monthly assignments with you and you are giving me so many wonderful recommendations. I'm thrilled and I hope you are too. In today's video, I'm sharing my own updates for the month...


How to be Efficient at Home | My New eCourse | Jennifer L. Scott

7:37 AM 5 Comments
I am so pleased to debut my newest eCourse, How to be Efficient at Home, for you today! I have been working on this course for the past several months and have put so much into it. You will find over two hours of brand new videos, plus text, quizzes and a lively comment section full of fellow Daily Connoisseurs who...


My Favorite Natural Candles of 2019 | Natural Home with Jennifer

7:03 AM 3 Comments
I love candles and always have them in my home year-round. Of course, I tend to burn them more during the fall and winter months, but I still enjoy them in the spring and summertime too. I love the quiet, burning flame and the pleasing scent. They provide a little luxury throughout my day and remind me to stay present...


Decorating a Plain and Generic Bathroom | Jennifer L. Scott

7:09 AM 6 Comments
Today I'm decorating one of our upstairs bathrooms. It's a very generic and plain bathroom, one I dream of redoing one day. I'm sure many of you can relate! Most of us have dreams of major remodeling or decorating renovations but simply can't afford the makeover. I make the best of our plain bathroom by adding a...


Reviewing the Mrs. Meyer's Spring Scents 2019 + Ben's Review

7:31 AM 0 Comments
I feel like time is sometimes measured by Mrs. Meyer's seasonal scents! Grove Collaborative sent me Mrs. Meyer's new seasonal scents for spring: peony, lilac, and mint. In today's video I give you my personal opinions and Ben weighs in too. My favorite scent is definitely Lilac. It's beautiful, delicate, sweet, and...


Ten-Item Wardrobe Transition from Winter to Spring | Jennifer L. Scott

4:14 AM 17 Comments
As part of The Chic Assignment for March, we are preparing our wardrobe for the upcoming season. In today's video I talk through my ten-item wardrobe transition process from winter to spring. What will stay and what will go? Also, what will carry on into the next season? Mentioned in the video: Sea foam floral...
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